Raven:*looks at them calm* Oh hey, guys.

Yang:*running around in circles* Runaway!! Runaway from the fire!!

Raven:*calm* Yang wanted pizza and I wanted pasta.

Tai:*still trying to figure what's going on* And?

Raven:*embarrassed* I didn't know how to cook it. And now I know how to set a kitchen on fire.

Yang:*stopped running* I helped!

Raven:*to Yang* I should have ordered that pizza. *hair catches on fire* 0_0!

Yang: 😱!!

Tai: 0_o?!

Raven & Yang:*running around in circles* Runaway!! Runaway from the fire!!


Tai: o_o I can't even get mad, I'm just confused

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Tai: o_o I can't even get mad, I'm just confused.

Summer:💢 But I can.

Raven:*stops running* Oh no!

Yang:*stops running* Oh no!

Tai:*looks at Summer* Oh no!

Qrow:*on the window* (in bird) Oh no!

Summer: OH YEAH!!!

Summer: OH YEAH!!!

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Summer: I was really mad that time.

Tai: Yeah you were.

Summer: What if Qrow isn't available?

Tai: Don't worry I still have plan C!

Summer: Who's plan C?

Summer: Who's plan C?

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"Family? I have a family?"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant