Chapter 22 - Angela

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Angie was no stranger to shadowed rooms, as her own quarters were often dim or shadowy if she awoke in the night. However, this was the first time she had been in the dark since the madwoman's attack, and despite herself, she felt afraid. The darkness seemed to be alive, flexing and leaning on her body, pressing on her chest and making it hard to breath. The darkness was thick, and with her eyes open, she thought she saw menacing figures moving about, approaching and then backing away, and she felt her heart begin to pound.

Just then, Derrick stirred, rolling his head back and forth on the rags beneath it, and a grunt issued from him. Angie quickly slid her hand down his arm to his hand and squeezed firmly.

"You're going to be all right," she murmured, leaning a little closer to make sure he heard her words. She was grateful that she had decided to forgo a full corset for this trip, or else she would not even have been able to sit comfortably on the ground, with her legs held stiff out in front of her, her knees next to Derrick's shoulder. "My brothers and I are here, and in a few minutes we can move to a warmer room." She held his cold hand in both of hers and smiled in relief as his flexed before pulling away.

"Angie? Why is it so dark if you are here?" His voice sounded hoarse, and the note of despair sent a dagger through her heart. What must he have endured being locked in this dark place for days?

She reached out and laid a hand on his chest. "We only brought a single lantern, and it is now after sunset. My brothers took the light to prepare the drawing room for us to stay in for the night. They know I am used to being in the dark now and then, and you were not awake to protest." She patted him. "You gave us all a fright, and Robert has always been uncomfortable around people when they are at their weakest. Theo went with him so they can finish more quickly, and so they can talk about us." She grinned, wishing he could see the expression in the gloom.

Without warning, she felt his chest shift upward, probably propelled by the arms he had removed from her grasp, and a moment later, his arms came around her and pulled her into his chest. Their faces collided awkwardly with no vision to guide them, his nose meeting and rebounding from her cheek. Another breath, and his hands cupped her face and drew her lips to his.

All of the nerves and fears and teasing flew from their minds as they explored each other's mouths as though for the first time. They were no longer sitting in a dark cellar on a dirt floor surrounded by dusty abandoned possessions of strangers, but floating in a soft warm land of their own imaginings, where there was no pain or chill or nausea or exhaustion. There was only the two of them here, joined in exquisite joy.

Just as Derrick moved both of his hands to the buttons at the front of her traveling gown, a glimmer of light appeared in the room just outside, accompanied by the sound of two pairs of boots tromping loudly across wooden planks. Reluctantly, Angie and Derrick separated and righted their clothing as best as possible before Robert and Theo strode through the cellar doorway bringing the lantern, their grim expressions melting into relieved humor at the sight of the pair seated so closely on the dirt floor, their flushed faces a contrast to the chilly environment.

Theo spoke quickly. "The drawing room is warm with plenty more firewood to last the night, and we brought in the food from the carriage. There are two sofas and 2 lounges among the many chairs and tables that look sturdy and comfortable. With the pillows and throws we brought, we all can get some rest and head for home tomorrow." He paused, and Angie recognized the mischievous look in his eyes an instant before he added, "Unless you two would like some privacy. I'm glad to see you looking so lively, Derrick."

She felt Derrick's chest vibrate next to her own as he laughed. "I certainly feel better than I did when you gents were still around. Maybe I need to stay away from male companions until I am fully restored." As her brothers burst out in laughter, Angie met Derrick's gaze and blushed from the heat lingering there behind the smile. "I would appreciate it if we could have a few more minutes, perhaps with the door partially closed." At this addition the smile faded as Derrick focused his stare over her shoulder at Robert and Theo.

The brothers' mirth continued to echo, but footsteps and a scraping sound from behind Angie indicated that they understood Derrick's intent. As the darkness deepened with the retreat of the lantern, Angie found she missed the dim illumination; it was much more difficult to contemplate Derrick's countenance without it, and a few days without it, thinking that she might never behold it again, fueled her current appreciation.

As the light faded, Derrick's hands found hers. His soft chuckle made her forget her disappointment with the darkness before he spoke, "I did not intend to embarrass you in front of your brothers. I truly meant only to kiss you to assure myself that you were indeed here in truth. After a little while, the shadows in this room start to look sinister, and I have twice dreamed in this place that I died and you followed into death shortly after from a broken heart, only for us to meet in the afterlife to love each other again. Can you forgive me, Angie?"

Angie rested her head on his shoulder, allowing herself to relax completely. He released her hands and surrounded her with his arms, steadying them both. She sighed and said, "There is nothing to forgive, Derrick. I have been so overcome with the excitement of the past few days that I allowed my relief of finding you to overwhelm my good sense. After thinking that I might never see or touch you again and nearly dying in my own bed, I don't care what my brothers think right now."

His arms tightened at her mention of dying. "What happened while I have been here? How did you almost die? Tell me everything." So she laid out all of the details in a steady soft voice, only allowing herself to succumb to tears when the tale was complete with his collapse. He growled curses under his breath when she described the letter she received and the night Sarah threatened her when she was paralyzed with grief. He held her and murmured endearments while she sobbed until his shirt was wet.

The shiver he could not control brought an abrupt end to her crying. She leaned back and sniffled as she spoke, "Oh, what a watering pot I have become, and you already having a chill from this cold cellar!" She shifted farther away from him to turn her head toward the mostly closed door. "Robert and Theo, I know you are out there listening. Come assist us before Derrick and I catch our deaths in here!" She joined Derrick in his dark chuckling as the light from the crack in the door increased, and the door opened again.

In short order, all four of them were ensconced in the drawing room, wrapped in throws and nibbling on cold fruit and meat tarts. There was also a bottle of wine, and Robert had brought a small flask of his favorite brandy, which he shared with Derrick and Theo. Derrick shared some of his experiences over the past few days, and all expressed their solace at the resolution of the matter. As the fires burned lower, each drifted into sleep, Angie and Derrick first, followed by Theo. It was quite late when Robert at last closed his eyes and surrendered to oblivion.

(NOTE: there is a more mature version of this chapter. Let me know if you would like to read it!)

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