Chapter 9 - Angela

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Anne bustled in with the tea things just then, catching them staring into each other's eyes, the plant suspended between them, all but forgotten. Her lips curved up and her spirit thrilled at the sight of her mistress so content, and with a man who was not repulsed by her appearance. The lack of screaming was especially encouraging, though she knew it was too soon to tell if Lord Derrick would bring her mistress happiness. Still, it had been so long since her mistress had enjoyed a visitor of any sort. May she finally have joy, Anne prayed as she moved to the modest center table positioned near Angie's lounge.

The couple were so caught up in each other that her quiet entrance escaped their notice, so she let out a soft cough before she began to arrange the pot, cups, scones, and containers of sugar and cream. Both started at the sound, each shifting their gaze to the crocus as Angie's cheeks glowed with embarrassment.

"Do not worry on my account!" Anne exclaimed as she finished laying out the refreshments and poured tea into the two cups. "It is a rare wonder in this house to have a guest who can contain his horrified caterwauling long enough to enjoy Cook's baked delights."

Their three voices joined in laughter after her comment, and the tension in the room departed as abruptly as it came.

"Mr. Williams, this is my maid and trusted confidante, Miss Anne Cartier," Angie said with a smile. "My days would be far more dreary without her canny assistance every day."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss," Derrick nodded once in acknowledgement as Anne stepped around his chair to curtsy. "Are you the one responsible for arranging the parlor thus?" He tilted his head toward Angie with a serious expression.

Anne blushed. "Indeed, sir."

"It is clear you care deeply for your mistress." His face softened as he spoke. "Please remain here in the room with us while we converse; I do not wish to sully her reputation. At least, not yet." He winked at Angie.

Now Anne was not the only one blushing as she retreated to a chair near the windows, a novel materializing in her hand from a hidden pocket.


Angie's cheeks felt as though flames might erupt from them at any moment, so hot was her skin. She pressed her hands to them in an attempt to extinguish the heat while Derrick busied himself setting his gift on the table and retrieving their tea.

"Cream or sugar?"

Through her fingers she muttered, "Four spoons of sugar, please."

A snort answered her. "Still indulging that sweet tooth, I see. Perhaps I should check for a hidden stash of toffees or Turkish delights in your pockets, or do you hide your treats elsewhere now, Miss Hollins?"

The gentle tease pierced her heart, reminding her of the years since her last clandestine pilfering of cookies from the kitchen. Her vision blurred, and she blinked several times to press back the tears of regret. It wouldn't do to become a watering pot before the two of them discussed the details of the will; such a display would only inspire pity, and she needed no more of that, especially from a friend.

Her tea, its surface clouded with steam, appeared on the small table at her elbow, a scone smeared with raspberry preserves balanced on the edge of the saucer. A moment later, a matching cup, saucer and scone joined her own, the liquid a pale tan under its cloak of vapor.

"Did I speak out of turn? If so, tell me how and I will be more cautious in the future." Derrick's concerned tone drew her attention as he sank into his seat across from her. His wrinkled brow and twisted lips confirmed his authenticity, and she felt compelled to ease his mind.

The Contract Duchess, a Regency Romance: Key To My Heart Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora