"He's out, River wins" she yelled as I glanced over toward David and his little pose and smirked as they were trying to move away toward the crowd and I felt arms wrap around me

"River you won! You actually won!" I heard Jane practically screaming over the crowd as I wrapped my arms around her spinning her around.

I was still feeling the high from the adrenaline rush of the fight and the way she was smiling and her excitement only made the feeling intensify. I saw the women dump a bucket of water on the man as he jumped and started thrashing in surprise. Quickly pulling Jane toward the rope and gesture for her to get out quickly as Mark helped her down. I quickly jumped down out of the ring, I didn't want to be on the other end of the steroid filled rage. Once down I felt pats on the back and could hear a few female voices calling my name. I could see Jane glazing in their direction and smirked and more blood rushed into my mouth. I followed behind Jane quickly up the stairs, staring at her long perfect legs as she walked up the stairs. Once back up into the pool table section I could hear the women yelling more names down stairs as the cheers started up again.

"River look at your face" I hear Jane say as we walked back over to the spot we had been before

"what don't I look pretty" I said smirking as the cut in my mouth stung

"no your face is brushing, your mouth is bleeding, and look at your hand" she said grabbing my hand as it was sore and a few different colors and bleeding from the knuckles

"it's not that bad I've had worries" I said as Jane gave me look that she wasn't amused as she turned and walked away heading toward a server carrying a tray full of empty glasses

"Dante going to pissed when he finds out you been fighting" Mark said as I shrugged

"Look I was only banned from fighting at school, where not at school anymore plus I didn't really hurt the dude" I said as I took a drink of some one beer trying to get the taste of blood out of my mouth.

"I know that, but what about Dante and your dad when you get home and they see you with bruised up face and battered hands" I shrugged "yeah that what I thought" he said as I watch Jane talking something from the waiter as the rushed off down the stairs quickly

"I will deal with it when it comes up" I said as Jane came back holding her hand out to me, and in her hand was two small red pills, I glared at her

"Don't even give me that look there just Tylenol for the pain" she said as I shook my head

"thanks but no thanks, pain doesn't bother me much" she said looking irritated as the water came rushing back up the stairs holding a white box and silver bucked with a towel on their arm as Jane rushed over grabbing it setting it on the table next to wear I had sat down

"what are you doing" I asked as she opened the box and I saw band aids and gaze fly everywhere

"trying to fix you, I still have to go home, do you have any idea how much trouble I'll be in if we go back and you're all beaten up looking" she said as she started pouring rubbing alcohol over my hand, it stung the "here put this in your mouth the clean out that cut" Jane said as I started laughing

"no, I'll clean my self up Jane, don't worry about" I said trying taking the bottle away from her, put it in my mouth what was wrong with her I thought smiling at her clear lack of ability to try to care for someone

"Whatever" Jane said irritated setting the bottle on the table hard causing it to splash as she stormed off toward the back as Tiffany followed after her quickly.

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