|2| Romeo

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[Before getting into the story, I would like to say that if the name you are using for this story is not Juliet, then, as you may have noticed, is the nickname that Karma will be using for you. However, if the name you are using is Juliet, then Karma says it in an accent as if he's trying to imitate Romeo during Shakespearean times.]

[Therefore, when you, the reader, reads a part where you're wondering why he's calling you Juliet, think of it as in why he's saying your name weirdly. I will try in my powers to not make it confusing as possible but please just go along with it. Whenever I write the stories, I put myself as the reader and I use my own name. I daydream a lot and it's an issue but it is what it is.]

[Now, back to the story.]


[Koro-Sensei Perspective]

I've watched the triplets. They've gotten everyone's interested, even Karasuma's. I've read their academic files but as I see the way the triplets communicate with one another and how they do things, I start to understand that they could be quite dangerous together but very helpless apart.

They need each other.

"Antonio Sutera was in class 3-C." I pointed out to Karasuma which must be something he must already know. Antonio was a point away from being in 3-B. He may not look or act like it but the boy is smart. In the practice quiz and test I give, he scores surprisingly high. However, I've noticed how he's the bodyguard, the shield of the triplets.

Antonio doesn't hesitate to face any danger. His body reacts to shield his twins and never cowards no matter the opponent. He knew what I am capable of but this faced me in a challenge. He's the fist of the triplets. The power. The strength. Protector.

"Basilio Sutera was in class 3-A" I say, looking at the middle triplet. He's at the top of the class, gaining with Karma. He regains information and uses it to his advantage. I've seen it. He's logical and collected. Quiet yet always planning. He was the one that planned the attack on me, at least it's what they said.

Basilio doesn't show much fear but hesitates in moments, that being said, it's not because he's scared but because he's trying to calculate or plan the best course of action. He doesn't do anything without planning that way there would be no mistakes. He's in charge yet protective in some ways. In danger, he stands between his brother and sister. Keeping his sister our of range but behind his brother to plan and help his brother to attack. He's the brain of the triplets. The strategist. The commander. Mastermind.

"(Name) Sutera was in class 3-B." Lastly, looking at the oldest triplet who looks just as innocent as her brothers yet there's something in those eyes of hers. I can't explain it since I don't know what it is yet. She may not look like it but she has control of her brothers. She is capable of calming them down, of redirecting them and more importantly keep them stable. 

The way she only has to place her hand on Antonio to have him soften up or just in place is impressive. In class, I've seen the way Basilio tend to overtake the information and panic, wondering what's the best answer. She sees it and just by saying his name or nickname, or even touching him, he calms down. She's able to stop him from breaking down and losing his mind.

Such little actions but she holds much influence on them. Whenever they stand next to each other, she's always in the middle. She's the glue that holds them together. Her brothers each on their side to protect her and keep her safe but at the same time, there's a fire in her eyes... She's protective of them just as they are of her.

She's the heart of the triplets. The courage. The determination. Love.

And because of this, I need to keep a close eye on the triplets since together, they'll be more than capable of doing what's needed. Their parents background, how they grew up and what they went though plus what they're going through, they're intelligent and know how to use it to their advantages.

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