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Something is stirring from the depths of hell and it's coming for us all. They have a plan, and They're putting it in motion. That darned Habit made that very clear. He's here. I can't even begin to understand what he could want; he lurks in the depths of my mind like some kind of snake, ready to strike at any time. And he did. Last night, while I was chatting away with my friends, I felt him. I wanted it to be imaginary, or maybe a feeling of dread that would fade, but I could feel myself losing control.

Slowly, I realized my actions were no longer my own. I was rude, chaotic, and unhinged, something which I watched from the sidelines. It's a strange awareness of what is happening, but not being able to act or stop it. Before he took control, I could hear him. His voice was the most overpowering thing I had heard in a long time. With each word he pulled me further and further down. It felt like drowning inside your own body. Not painful, but very stressful, because you know you can't stop him. I fought, I fought long and hard, and he wasn't happy about it. Even when he was inhabiting me I continued to wrestle him for control. I screamed and cried and swore, but he only crawled closer. All of this wasn't visible from the outside. Unlike what's shown on TV, becoming inhabited isn't loud. It's silent, deadly, and so, so quick. Before you can blink, or even understand what's happening to you, you've already lost.

He was looking for Redlight. Although for the life of me, I can't imagine why he was doing it in my body. I thought Redlight was permanently dead. But, I guess according to him, times have changed. I can still hear him in my head. But he doesn't try to take control anymore. I know why, and I dare not say. What if I'm right?

Oh, I'm telling everything out of order. How did I even escape his clutches?

It was dumb luck. He was distracted with an old friend, and I took the opportunity to draw Severance. It doesn't work on him the same way, but it's still effective. It gave me the strength to take back control. And then realization dawned on me. I could, hear just about anything. I could see things I couldn't see before. What had he done to me?

He wasn't trying to control me. He was trying to lift the veil. The veil on my eyes, that every human has, which keeps us from madness. What have you done, Habit? WHat have you done?

It's partially lifted. I know he'll try again next time, with more power. I have no way of purging him from my mind completely.

Why would he even go to the trouble? It's part of their plan. I don't know how, but my writing, my attempts at creating a community of people, have worked. And it's causing people to remember the past iterations. They either do, or don't want that. But I know one thing for sure. Neither of us were supposed to remember. Especially not me. And I wasn't supposed to spread it. I caused a chain reaction across the timeline, causing anomalies to appear from the original timeline.

Do you understand what this means?

They're merging. The timelines are merging. And I didn't even realize it was my fault. I'm sure most of you are starting to realize something isn't right. They're making Their entrance again. Everything is, although slowly, reverting back to its original form.

This is good news for me, a servant. But bad news for you. Most of you have no cover, no protection, and you don't have your memories intact. You need to wake up, and soon, because the world in front of you isn't the world you're actually in. Open your eyes.

They're coming. The Collective have been watching us all from the beginning. They've been watching you, and me, and all of our family and friends. You've realized a moment too late, haven't you? I know you realized, but brushed it aside because you didn't want the nightmare to actually come true. Neither of you do. But it is, because it has always been true. And it's coming for you.

I know you've been sleepless at night. How your dreams have become distorted and strange. How your world has slowly been crumbling before your eyes. I know. You are scared, and you should be. Your friends, family, and everything you've ever loved, will start to disappear. Die. Turn against you. You've known for a while the time of silence and peace is over. Not complaining about how quiet it is now, I bet. I know you've all been holding your breath in anticipation, wanting someone, anyone, to talk about this so you don't seem insane.

Well, here you go. I hope you're satisfied with your choices, rabbits.

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