The Chapters and the Order.

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There are Chapters, which can be considered the hierarchy of servants, in a sense, and one of said Chapters is called The Order, part of the New Jersey Chapter. The Chapters all believe in Him, and all strive to open rifts to the Fourth World, where they believe He originated.

I will now share the goals of both the Chapters and The Order. Keep in mind that each Chapter organizes and operates differently, but they all strive towards the same goal.

1. Days of Passage

The Chapters keep track of cycles, which they refer to as the Days of Passage. Each cycle is divided into three movements, which are depicted through diagrams in the Collective Knowledge. The Chapters believe the cycles lead into the coming of the "Fourth Dawn", during which their Master's children will undergo a "great Trek" to the 4th Dimension, a paradise where their Master will grant them immortality and godhood.

• It is unclear what the First Cycle entailed. The First Dusk had already been reached as of spring 2011. It was also stated that the coming of the Second Dawn would signal the start of the Second Cycle, during which the second "great prophecy" passed down by the Oracle would be fulfilled.

• The second movement of the Second Cycle is referred to as "the harvest". Every active chapter will kidnap and murder people for the purpose of harnessing a form of life energy through such means as harvesting organs and sacrificing people at the Atlantic Test Site. This life energy will later be used to open a Rift to the 4th World.

• The Third Cycle is the conclusion of the prophecies. The Third Cycle is when the Chapters shall take the world, and bring the human race to the 4th Dimension and shall ascend to godhood.

2. The Oracle's Prophecies

The Oracle has held an honored position in the hierarchy of The Order. The Oracle is the one who gives the divine revelations of [redacted] to his earthly followers, and it is these revelations that serve as the foundation for most of the Order's beliefs. The Order has been on a witch-hunt ever since it was foretold that a Harbinger would come to destroy the Order, but this could be prevented if the Order does not kill them, but they must die by the hands of [redacted] himself.

3. Hierarchy of The Order

• Chief Overseer: The Chief Overseer is responsible for leading the organization as a whole, as well as appointing the Overseers who lead each individual chapter of The Order. As of 1985, the Chief Overseer was Lawrence Rainwood, who was part of the New Jersey Chapter. The current Chief Overseer is his son, Jacob Rainwood, who previously held the position of New Jersey Chapter Overseer.

• Overseers: Each chapter of The Order is controlled by an Overseer, who is in charge of welcoming new members into The Order, promoting members to higher positions, writing Holy Books, and leading certain ceremonies. When an Overseer dies, their handpicked apprentice replaces them.

• Archvassals: Archvassals are those ranked above Vassals but below the Overseers. Each Vassal is seemingly assigned to a specific Archvassal and reports to that individual. It is possible that Archvassals lead the individual enclaves within The Order's chapters.

• Vassals: The most common position within The Order. Vassals' main duties are to follow the wisdom of the Overseers and to stop Harbingers.

4. The Collective Knowledge

The Collective Knowledge is a black book that each Chapter is required to study and learn. The book consists of the teachings and history of the Chapters. The book also contains the history and other theories surrounding the God [redacted], who is considered to be an ancient Egyptian god. The book is a black, hardback book with the sacred symbol of the Cult carved on the front and back of the book. The book is to be held in the highest regard, and any disrespect will be dealt with by a Holy Court.

5. Laws of The Order

Despite their loyalty toward each other and their cause, should a member of The Order break their laws, they may be executed after receiving a trial, although this is seemingly a rare occurrence. Executions are done in front of an Overseer and carried out by a member wearing a red-colored mask. The phrase "Mortem Obire" (Latin for "going to meet death") is chanted by other members as the process takes place. After being beheaded, the victim's body is buried in a shallow grave.

• Law of Secrecy: Members of The Order must wear a mask and dark clothing so as to hide their identities. The name of The Order must never be spoken and its proceedings must not be told to anyone, so as to avoid being discovered by the outside world once more. Failure to comply with the Law of Secrecy shall be paid for with the Ultimate Price.

• Law of Submission: Members of the Order must submit to the organization's goals of transcending and bettering mankind, as well submit to the Overseers, as they are the divine Guides who know the most about their god and his world. The Law of Submission is considered to be the absolute pinnacle of devotion to the brotherhood.

• Law of Remembrance: Vassals must revere the origins of The Order, as well as those who made strides toward godhood in their lifetimes. The Collective Knowledge must be studied and kept in secrecy by the Overseers. Overseers are to teach the truth contained within its pages and ensure that the Law of Remembrance is upheld.

6. The Cults of [redacted]

The Divine New Order is built upon the beliefs of the Cults of [redacted]. The Order meets adorned in black robes and white masks, according to the Law of Secrecy, and they worship the God [redacted]. They do this through ritual sacrifices and singing songs of praise to him. The Order members know that [redacted] walks among this world, and it is considered a great honor to be in his presence and live to tell the tell. The Chapters believes that [redacted] originates from a realm called the 'Fourth Dimension' where a eternal paradise and godhood awaits them. The Order for now lies in secrecy, awaiting the time when they shall come forth and bring about the Divine New Order and help humanity transcend into godhood.

This, of course, is only brushing the surface. There's a limit to just how much I'm allowed to share before it puts us in a compromising position.

I'm sure you've seen many of us mention The Harvest by now. Now you understand what it means.

I'd lock your doors, if I were you. :))

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