Chapter 1

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Jenna hummed, with a serious look on her face.

"Jenna?" Goh asked. "What's with you?"

Jenna looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

"You're not killing someone, you're not cuddling with Chloe, you're just... Thinking," Goh stated.

Jenna snickered a bit. "Am I not allowed to think? Or is that only your job?"

"I never said you couldn't!" Goh put up his hands, defensively. "Just... It's unlike you."

Jenna stood up. "I'll be back."

Goh shrugged, going back to analyzing some Pokémon stats.

Jenna ran into Ash and Goh's shared room, and slammed the door open. "Ash-!"

Ash paused, currently trying to put a dress on Pikachu. "Ugh..."

"What are you doing?" Jenna giggled, trying to hold in a laugh.

"Natsuki's coming over. She dared me to get Pikachu into a dress before she gets here," Ash explained.

Jenna's eyes lit up. "She is!?"

Ash nodded eagerly. "And she's bringing Gary!"

"Yes!" Jenna cheered. "I'm so excited for all the pranks I'm going to pull..!"

"Anyway," Ash said, trying to fit the dress back onto Pikachu. "Why are you here?"

"Well... I wanted to try battling!" Jenna smiled.

Ash nearly choked with excitement. "Really!?"

Jenna nodded.

"Woohoo!" Ash cheered, jumping in the air.


The doorbell rang, and Ash swung the door open. "Hey!"

Natsuki waved. "Hello!"

Gary looked around. "Hey, Ashy-Boy."

"I told you to stop calling me that-!" Ash pouted, when there was a loud thud from upstairs.

"What's that?" Natsuki asked. "Jenna's not killing someone, is she..?"

"No, no, her and Chloe are making out," Ash explained. "You... Probably don't want to go in there."

The two nodded. "I'm going to go get some alcohol," Gary said, walking into the kitchen.

"Professor Cerise doesn't have any," Ash pointed out.

Gary stomped angrily. "What's the point of a house when you don't have any alcohol!?"

Ash shrugged.

Jenna walked down the hall, Chloe following her. "We're done-!"

"Hey," Gary and Natsuki waved to the brunette.

"Hey guys!" Jenna started bouncing eagerly. "I got you some alcohol, Gary."

"Finally!" Gary groaned, as Jenna handed him a bottle.

"Just don't get so drunk you barf. No one wants to clean that up," Jenna warned.

"Of course..!" Gary laughed.

Jenna sighed, knowing what was going to happen.


"You're pretty," Gary stuttered out, with a burp.

"I'm taken," Ash said, blankly.

"But..." Gary pouted.

Jenna sighed, grabbing Gary by his collar. "Go to sleep. You're drunk. Again."

"Nope! I'm perfectly normal!" Gary defended.

"Ok, how many fingers am I holding up?" Jenna asked, holding up three fingers.

Gary hummed. "... Murple!"

"That's not a number," Jenna stated.

"Nor a color," Natsuki giggled, trying to not roll on the floor laughing.

"Just go to bed! I'll get you some medicine for your hangover tomorrow," Jenna hissed.

"No..." Gary whined, as Jenna dragged him to a guest room.

"Does he do this often..?" Chloe asked.

"Yep," Natsuki said, immediately.

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