Chapter 19

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My thoughts were a jumbled mess, nausea churning in my stomach. I could barely bring water into my lungs. I looked at Mom, the fear in her eyes mirroring the fear in my own. "I went down to the dungeons a while ago. I wanted to try to get answers from Uncle Noah about why he did what he did. I know it was risky," I quickly added, stopping Mom before she could so much as begin to lift her hands, "but I felt like I had no other choice."

Wedged beside the fear was worry. For our family and everyone in all the realms. I kept my eyes on the wall beside her head, doing my best to keep my hands from trembling. "I screamed at him, trying to figure out what could have possibly led him to do what he did. He told me I had no idea what Jacob had said, what he'd done. Apparently, the two of them spent quite a bit of time alone in the dungeons. They got to talking, shared a bit of their histories, and that's when Jacob told Uncle Noah about Mrs. Carla and Ella's deaths."

Kai swam beside me, gently taking my hand. Just having him beside me gave me courage. I gave him a thin smile before turning back to Mom. "Uncle Noah mentioned the pendant, how—if and when he got out—he was going to use it to bring them back. I told him that Jacob would say anything to gain sympathy, that I hoped he knew that."

Despite my best efforts, my hands began to tremble. I took a deep breath, exhaling deeply. I was almost done. I just wasn't sure how Mom would react when I told her the truth. "He finally revealed Jacob's plan. If Uncle Noah didn't help him, he'd kidnap our family and use the Lost Soul Pendant on us until we slowly lost our sanity and killed each other."

Mom faltered, her back bumping against the wall. Her face was deathly pale, eyes impossibly wide. "I'm so sorry, Mom. I... I had no choice. He gave me an ultimatum: him or Uncle Noah." I didn't dare look at Kai, at the shock and hurt I knew were flashing across his face and eyes. Guilt formed in my gut when I realized I'd omitted that part of the story when I'd told him.

I quickly shook my head, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand. "We need to find Jacob and figure out how he aquired the pendant. I wouldn't know where to even begin to start looking."

The words had barely left my mouth when a knock at the suite door made all of us flinch. "You have a visitor, your Majesties. Should I send him up or tell him to come back later?" Even muffled by the door, the servant's voice was calm, no hint of the fear that was present in this room in his voice.

That one word made all the water disappear from my lungs in a rush. Him. There was only one him that would instill this much fear in me. I glanced around and saw it mirrored in everyone else, too. I locked eyes with Mom, confusion and fear warring in my gut. She took a deep breath and nodded.

I forced my voice to sound calm as I answered. "Yes, please. Send him up." I barely heard the servant's mumbled reply.

When the knock came, it was hesitant. A quiet voice spoke up from outside. "Please, Isadora. Let me explain." Jacob's voice was filled with such remorse that it made my heart skip a beat.

I took another deep breath and opened the door. Jacob floated in front of me, guilt and shame written all over his face. "Come in," I said, moving away from the door.

His eyes swept over the room, taking in everyone. I could have sworn regret flashed across his face as he caught Mom's eye. "You came here to explain. So talk." My voice was void of any emotion, coldness flashing in my eyes.

He took a deep breath, clasping his hands in front of him. "I know I've made mistakes—in both my life and others'—but, please, Isadora. You have to believe me when I say I would do anything to undo the wrongs I've done. When Noah mentioned the Lost Soul Pendant, I knew that if I could find it, I would be able to use it to bring Carla and Ella back." His voice broke as he breathed his wife and daughter's names.

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