Chapter 6

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A very familiar nightmare torments me as I sleep. I watch, frozen with fear and shock and grief as Mom writhes and shouts in a hospital bed, a merman in a doctor's uniform beside the bed.

Dad is floating beside her, gripping her hand, tears in his eyes. The doctor is speaking, but I can't hear him. Something's different. I can't explain it, but I feel... something, like another presence in the room. I spin around slowly, one hand on the dagger at my side.

When I see movement in the shadows, I'm already moving, hand outstretched. A muted gasp can be heard as another mermaid appears, eyes wide. "Nerissa? Can you hear me?" I'm not surprised when her questions go unanswered.

"She can't hear you. Even if she could, you can't help her. Neither of us can." My voice is so hollow, it's barely recognizable.

The doctor suddenly speaks, causing me to flinch. "Your Majesty, we need to deliver the babe now." Even in a nightmare, the level of panic in his voice is clear.

I turn back to Aunt Naia, tears spilling down my cheeks. "This is all your fault."

She barely hears me, her hands shaking as she lifts one to her mouth. "I—I'm sorry."

I ignore her apology, returning my attention to the scene before me. That's when I hear the monitor beside her bed start beeping. Loudly. The scream that comes out of Dad is something I never want to hear again. "Nerissa, please. Please don't leave me!" His voice breaks on the last word, tears gathering in his eyes.

The scene before us quickly jumps to several hours later, the tension in the room gone. Mom is awake, tendrils of hair plastered to her sweaty forehead. Her eyes are filled with love and exhaustion as she looks down at the wrapped-up bundle in her arms. At my side, Aunt Naia lets out a breath that ends in a sob. "You see? Mom died because you allowed your jealousy and selfishness to get the better of you." My voice hasn't lost its sharpness, its cruelty. If anything, it has increased.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my nightmares. I blinked a few times, taking a steadying breath. As I got out of bed, I noticed a tray beside my bed, containing a cup of bubble tea and a plate of shrimp. It must have been last night's dinner.

I popped a couple of shrimp in my mouth before swimming into the bathing room. "Come in," I called out, my voice calm despite the tumultuous sea of emotions whirling around inside me.

Kai swam inside, already dressed. "You're awake. How are you?"

I got dressed quickly, swimming back into the bedroom and into my husband's waiting arms. I exhaled deeply. "Okay. You?"

He nodded, kissing me on the cheek before gently taking my hand. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

As much as I hated having to drag myself back through those images, the emotions that would surface, I knew that I wouldn't be able to move on until I told Mom the truth. Besides, she deserved the closure. Twenty-five long years later, the truth would finally come out.

I nodded. "I want to check on Dad, too." Even though it had only been a few weeks since the attack, the healing process was long and arduous. I knew that better than almost anyone.

I drained the cup of bubble tea before we left. When we arrived in Aegrem, it was already bustling with activity. Restaurants were busy, delicious aromas wafting into the water. Stores were open, wares laid out to entice customers. Many mermaids and mermen noticed our arrival, smiling at us. "Your Highnesses," they said, bowing their heads respectfully.

We both inclined our heads, smiling back. My expression was cheery, but my insides were a tangled mess. How could I start a conversation like that? A part of her past that I was sure she'd worked long and hard to keep buried, being thrust out in the open once again.

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