Chapter 53: Thirty or so people should be sad for their wives

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Before being discovered, Xin Rong retreated into the employee passageway and leaned against the wall to ease her mood before returning to the playground.

Throughout the afternoon, the children at the birthday party went crazy, and before being taken away by the parents, each child came to hug Sugar Candy. Watching a bunch of three- or five-year-old cubs huddle you hug me and I hug you into a huddle, the parents on the side are very happy.

Sim banyan and sugar sugar were the last to leave. Xin Rong held the child in one hand and carried a large bag of birthday gifts in the other, and called a car home.

After getting into the car, Sugar Sugar had not yet recovered from that excitement, and the little blushed, leaned on Xin Rong, and asked him, "Brother, are you tired, are you happy?"

Xin Rong grabbed her hair, which had been scattered, and said, "Happy." 

"The birthday cake was delicious, or my favorite strawberry filling." Sugar Sugar said and rubbed into Xin Rong's arms again, a little unfinished feeling.

Xin Rong was laughed at by her, "We will take home the remaining half of the cake, and you can still eat it tomorrow."

Sugar Sugar looked up again and continued to recall his birthday party, "There is a big bear today, does my brother remember?" Much like the one on your bedside table.

Xin Rong first shook his head, then smiled and said, "Yeah, that's what my uncle bought for me." Since separating from Shao Chengyun, Xin Rong had hardly mentioned him in front of Sugar Sugar.

It is not deliberate avoidance, or I don't know how to explain this to the child. Sugar Sugar is also a clever and sensible person, Xin Rong does not mention the big villa where they once lived and the owner of the villa, and she rarely mentions "uncle" again.

Sugar Sugar's voice suddenly became smaller, his head buried, and he said, "... Kind of missed uncle.

Xin Rong looked at the small hair spin on top of her head and didn't say anything more.

The night we left the villa was hurried and there was limited things we could take with us. The gifts that Shao Chengyun bought, Xin Rong, basically stayed, taking only the Winnie the Pooh bought at Disneyland in France and a set of playing card-sized board games.

These two things represent the sweetest memories of that relationship. Xin Rong kept them, and quan should be a kind of memorial.

Winnie The Pooh kept it on the bedside table in his bedroom. Sometimes Sugar Sugar will also hold and play for a while, and after playing, he will put Xin Rong back very intimately.

Sugar candy dolls are enough, there is no shortage of this bear cub. Occasionally she also said to Xin Rong, "It turns out that my brother also has a sleeping toy, and what I know is xiongxiong."

Xin Rong couldn't deny it, so she could only smile helplessly and let her go.

Originally, before seeing Winnie The Pooh's real body, Xin Rong planned to send a message to Shao Chengyun after the birthday party to say thank you.

After all, it is true that children have fun, even if they are no longer in the relationship they used to have, this courtesy should still be there.

But now that he saw Shao Chengyun sitting in the backyard of the playground resting with his head hanging down, Xin Rong was a little confused. Several times that night, I picked up my phone to send a painless thank you, and finally I gave up.

He knew that Shao Chengyun didn't want himself to discover this, but just did it silently in private. But sometimes this is the case, and the truth that is inadvertently broken is the most poignant.

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