Chapter 13: Please go to Room 902

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It is said that Xin Rong, a waiter, is working on a cruise ship, and he does not want to go away.

Shao Chengyun first looked at the window sill and found that the 123 that was originally placed on it had been taken away, and then he went to the bedroom, which was also neatly packed, and there was no personal belongings left about Xin Rong.

Shao Chengyun rubbed his face and smiled angrily at the large bed that he had shared with the same bed last night.

He woke up first this morning. Yesterday tossed Xin Rong for so long, he was still a little distressed, just happened that You Feng called him, saying that the weather was surprisingly good after the rainstorm, and tourists saw the mirage and told him to go to the deck for coffee.

Shao Chengyun looked at Xin Rong's sleepy look at that time, and estimated that he would not wake up in an hour or two, so he changed his clothes, and before leaving, he also left a bottle of water on the bedside table and wrote a note with his mobile phone number on it.

- Private number. There were no more than ten people who knew Shao Chengyun's number.

Then Shao Chengyun was in a good mood and went out.

Unexpectedly, when he and You Feng came back after talking happily, Xin Rong actually left without a word.

The water bottle is still in place, and the sticky note is still pressed under the bottle.

Shao Chengyun took the piece of paper with the mobile phone number written on it, shredded it, and threw it into the trash. It didn't matter, he found that the lubricant condoms and other things that should have been in the trash can were also taken away by Xin Rong.

Shao Chengyun only had a sneering smile and nodded his head, thinking that this child was really out of the blue, just like cleaning the crime scene, not even leaving a bag of garbage for himself.

He turned and left the suite and went directly to the broadcast room on the second floor of the cabin. On the way, I happened to meet the first mate who came over, this person was Shao Chengyun who personally interviewed and recruited the ship, and he was also young and promising, promoted all the way to the Lixing, and was highly valued by the captain.

Shao Chengyun immediately took him with him and asked him to give orders to the radio room staff.

Within two minutes, an instant broadcast sounded across the ship.

--Xin Rong, please come to Room 902. Mr. Shao is waiting for you.

--Xin Rong, please come to Room 902. Mr. Shao is waiting for you.


Just such a simple search notice was broadcast ten times in a row. For ordinary passengers, it is nothing more than thinking that who lost before getting off the ship, family and friends were in a hurry, and then they got on the whole ship to broadcast. But for those who worked on the ship all year round, the ten broadcasts were like a breaking news, which immediately provoked a reaction from the crowd.

In fact, Shao Chengyun is not a person who does not distinguish between public and private. And he has always been weak in mood and business, and few people can provoke him and make him really angry.

The young female employee sat in front of the microphone and repeated the broadcast ten times with extra care, while the first mate observed Shao Chengyun's face and finally concluded: Which puppy is dead, can make the boss so angry?

A few minutes later, Shao Chengyun returned to Room 902 from the radio room, but Xin Rong did not appear. <

He already knew the answer in his heart, but from last night's love to today' direct disappearance, this gap is too big, Shao Chengyun wants to move his anger can not find anyone, and finally called Manager Zhu's office.

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