Chapter 1: The Beginning of Something Horrible

Start from the beginning

After swimming through your oversized tee shirt to find the neck hole, you pulled up your hot pants and slipped on your sparkly Van-Birkenstock-Heely hybrids.

A brown box laid open on the back of the toilet. Inside was a busted Puka shell necklace and more friendship bracelets than anyone should have. When you put them on, you could pretend you actually had some friends.

You glossed your lips (with Burts Bees, ofc), and pulled your holographic scrunchie tight. After twirling around in the mirror a few times, you shouldered your rustic Fjällräven Kanken mini-bag (you had fished out of the Bronx the week before) and marched out the door.

"I'm ready to start the day!" You tripped quirkily out of the hobo encampment and made a beeline for the community dumping site.

On your way, you passed by a particularly shady corner where a hand-off was going down. "Top of the morning~" you vocalized to its inhabitants.

The gangsters snarled and threw rats at you. Good thing you were the reigning champ of backstreet rugby. You smacked the rats to infinity and beyond with your VSCO flask and heelied away.

Now, to find your sweet ride.

You dragged your baby out of its hiding place between the dumpsters. Dirty, banged up, and the apple of your eye, "Wall-E" might not have been the fastest Segway in New York, but he was solar-powered and took you everywhere without complaint. Most of the time.

You hopped on and turned the engine over. With a frightening lurch, you were flying down the street. You made sure to crush the toes of the gangsters under Wall-E's bio-degradable tires on your way.

Time to go dumpster diving for that Mickey-D's special. They didn't lock their cans like those stuffy places uptown.

While bobbing between the oncoming traffic, you thought about the busy day ahead. The top of your list featured picketing, cat-fighting, and grooving to some sweet, sweet tunes.

Neon signs advertising the pro-mutant rally whizzed past in a seizure-inducing blur. You had spent weeks making them and you were kinda proud that they hadn't been torn down yet.

'Mutant rights' was your new bone to pick with society. You had made it your mission to obtain acceptance for this downtrodden group. That proved a little difficult, seeing as they were all convicted felons. No biggie. You would fight until your last breath if it meant you achieved your goal.

"Get off the road!" some guy shrieked through the window of his car. His girlfriend swerved to avoid hitting you. They hydroplaned into the car next to them, causing a domino effect with the traffic. Skkkrt!

Curses and scent trees were flung at you as you wheeled by. You sped down the newly clear road with a song in your heart.

Twenty minutes later, you rolled up to the event, polishing off your half-rotten quarter pounder. It was a vegan burger so the mold was extra nutrience.

The special guest showing up at the rally was only your favorite band ever: "Twenty-Two Pirates".

You were hyping yourself up for the sweet screamo-ukulele when your pretty (but less pretty than you) best friend, Josie Behgar tapped you on the shoulder.

You both gushed about the weekend ahead of rioting for dissected frog justice. She told you about the effects in the classrooms since you only went to school when you wanted to.

Suddenly, the ear-bleeding whine of an electric ukulele shockwaved through the air. The crowd went wild. Some foamed at the mouth. It was the beginnings of a good riot. The next second Josie was waving goodbye as she was crowd surfed away to be mosh pitted to hospitalization.

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