Chapter 7: wake up to reality POV mainly Shanks

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August: "It had been a full day since Shanks terrible incident he should wake up today"
Solar: "Just give him time it's not everyday you get poisoned by a group of Pokémon nonstop"

August: "Yeah..... I just want him to wake up soon it's honestly starting to scare me"

Rein: "He will be fine August your brother is still breathing is he not?"

August: "Yes he's still breathing.... But that doesn't change the fact that he could stop any moment now!"

Shank: (I had woke up to a pitch black room.... Although it didn't feel like it was a real room? I could hear my friend's and my sister talking.)

Shank: (they sounded sooooo close by but at the same time so far away)

Shank: (I could hear everything that was said August worried whether or not I'd make it out of something alive?)
(Then it struck me)
Shank: (My encounter with the poison Pokémon and the beedrill I remember seeing August in a bush but after that there was nothing but the dark void I see before me now)
All the sudden the dark void that once consumed Shanks mind became i brightly covered land lush green plants food everywhere it was exactly what he's been searching for except.... Something was off. He was all alone there he had wanted to find this place ever since he was 3 but it wasn't what he had hoped for being alone made him miserable
Shank: "Hello?, helloooo?!, nothing there's no mon here not a single mon not even a weedle  or a Durant"
However what Shank didn't know was that he was not the only mon there.........

???: "Your time is near Mr Shank your friends couldn't save you then..... and they can't save you now....."

Shank: "I was just walking around the place when I heard two things"
"Your time is near your friends couldn't save you then they can't save you now"
(The voice was muffled and difficult to hear but these sentences sent a chill down my short electric spine)
"Who's there?!?!  Show yourself!!!"
Nothing happened
Shank: (I must've just been hearing things I should continue to explore around)

???: "let's see just how long you can survive this little game"

Shank began to explore some more yet again unaware of what had been following him
Shank began to grow tired even though being inside what was known to be a dream felt real in a way

Shank: "I never thought I could get tired inside of a dream it's not real so couldn't I just make it impossible to tire out ............. Nope nothing happened"

Just then something had struck Shank straight across the chest

Shank: "W- what just ha-"

Shank had been struck by something sharp he fell to the ground with a nasty cut on his chest it was small but deep
It wasn't enough to faint or kill him but sure did hurt

Shank: "Ow what t- the heck was that!?"
There wasn't anything  from a bandage to a Pokémon with a healing move around so he had to cover the wound in a flew leaves off the ground thankfully his small body fit the leaves really easily

Shank: "hopefully that will hold the blood from spilling.   What in the world was that and who did it"

He looked around and found a tiny little oval shaped rock with his blood on it

Shank: "well that answers that question but who would attack me like that"

           August POV
August: "Crap get a bandage quickly!!!!"

Solar: "Working on it !!"

Rein: "What's going on?!?! Why are you Al ye-"

August: "this deep cut just randomly appeared on his body we have no idea where it came from no one else has been here"

Rein: "That can't be true that's impossible you can't just form cuts across your chest especially ones that da** deep id say that should be fatal"
August: "Well how about we don't say that because none of us need Shank to die right now do we!!"

Rein: "Yes Yes I get it I'll go look for something to use as a bandage and maybe find more food"

August: "Good now hurry!"

Solar: "I know your worried about your brother but you don't need to be so harsh"

August: "No this is to serious to be calm we need to be quick about this not slow and kind"

Solar: "......Fine but we're not acting like this once this is over for it"

August: "Got it clear as day"

Solar: "Good I'm going to go look and see if there are any herbs still alive you watch over Shank and make sure nothing happens"

August: "I never planned not to do just that"

Solar: "I know....."

Shanks POV

(I wondered around looking for a cave to stay in however the odd part was there wasn't a single one for miles it started to seem as if this world was just repeating itself every step I take just feels the exact same as the last one)

Shank: "Is it just me or have I seen that same tree at-least seven times now"

???: (wow didn't think you had a big enough brain to figure that one out)

Shank: "No I'm certain this is the same tree I saw seven times ago and that pond is also still there that's really weird. It's all just repeating each time I leave the forest"

Just then one of the tree's began to fall in Shanks direction
Shank: "What's that noi- OH CRAP!"

Barely dodging the tree Shank had expected the leaf he was suing to hold blood from spilling to be destroyed but then found it to be improved tied around his body and a small herb to absorb any blood

Solar POV

Solar: "So I managed to find a small herb it's pretty much half dead half living but I think it will still absorb some of the lost blood"

August: "Ok good bring it here quickly and put it under the leaves so we can tie it"

Solar: "Ok"

They put the herb under and quickly tied the makeshift bandage around Shank's tiny body luckily stopping the blood that herb Solar found was actually pretty absorb any

          Shanks POV
(I was still looking around for any clue of my attacker but then the room disappeared back into the black endless void of nothing where I could again listen to my friends and sister's chats. Hopefully I would wake up soon and leave the pit of nothing I can't stand being here and listening to my sister worry but all I could possibly do was wait until the time would come

1110 words
A/N sorry this took me so long I was hoping to make it longer hit couldn't come up with the necessary ideas to do so but i how you enjoyed and I'll try my best to make the next chapter longer please send me ideas if you have any it would help clear my thoughts I love to work with other people. As always have a great day yall buh byeeee

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