• Prologue •

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(Quick A/N, I have no idea how to write some characters, so some stuff might be ooc 😬😬)

"Well.. It seems we won.. Danganronpa is.. Over," Shuichi said, looking at the large hole created by Kiibo.

"Nyeh.. What do we do now..?" Himiko wondered, looking around, and trying to see over the wall.

"..We climb the wall. If the Earth really wasn't destroyed, and it was a lie the entire time.. We could go back to our regular lives.. In the real world," Maki spoke, beginning to climb the wall.

They all climbed up, trying not to touch the broken glass.

"Woah.. This.. This doesn't look like the outside.. It's just.. a void.." Shuichi spoke, looking out into the darkness.

"Nyeh.... That looks like a large drop.." Himiko hesitated, looking down into the void, when suddenly, Maki picked Himiko up, and leaped into the darkness.

"Maki! Himiko!" Shuichi yelled, and swiftly joined them, and immediately regretted it.

"Himiko was right.. This is a large drop.. What if we just jumped to our doom? " Shuichi thought and closed his eyes, not changing his view much.

Looking back up, he saw the Danganronpa logo plastered all over the dome they were previously trapped in. He wasn't a big fan of that, obviously.

He then wondered how the dome stayed up like that, with nothing holding it up, and why the logo was on the outside, if it wasn't planned for anyone to be out here.

His thoughts were cut short, when he suddenly stopped falling. He wasn't hurt or anything. How could he have survived a fall like that?

Shuichi opened his eyes. Maki and Himiko were nowhere to be found. Instead, he was in a hospital room.

So many questions were formed in such a short span of time, and most of them were left unanswered.

A TV in the corner, but he didn't look at what was on the screen.

He left the room.

Why did he wake up in a hospital?

Was it all a dream?

Soon, he'll find the answers to those questions, which was not a long wait.

This is the start of a bright new future, a new story waiting to be told.

~𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕪~ || OumamiWhere stories live. Discover now