A Switch

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The summer before senior year, when and where everything started spiraling before my eyes.

Some time before June, Bishop had called me saying he had broken things off with the girl. He gave me his reasoning and I gave my opinion.
Though he was one of my best friends, I never just took his side on a matter without hearing all the information. I told him my honest opinion whether he liked it or not, like a real friend would.

The subject of his birthday came up, which was at the end of June. I asked what he planned on doing, and he said nothing. He wasn't really big on birthdays and didn't want to celebrate.
Being that I had travelled for other people's birthday that were in the clique I decided to do the same for Bishop. Even if he didn't want to do anything crazy, I still just wanted to be there for him as a friend.

Weeks before I had scheduled to see him for the week of his birthday, his tone changes.
No longer is it how two friends would talk, but how two people who are interested in each other in a potentially romantic way would converse.

Little did I know how far something so minuscule would go...

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