Soul Mates

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After that one afternoon, it's like I kept seeing Bishop around campus even more. I would always say hi and go into the pleasantries asking how he was doing and where he was headed.
We had a natural connection, not the romantic kind, the kind to where it feels like you know someone before you even know them. When I first met him, it didn't feel like I was meeting a stranger, but moreso like a long-time friend I was connecting with after years.

I brought this up to him the first night we really hung out. "What if we're soulmates?" I asked turning to look at him as we walked the concrete path of the campus.

He seemed to contemplate for a second, then spoke. "I could see us knowing each other in a past life."

I smiled at the thought. "Or I could be a killer who's just trying to get closer to you to lure you in."

Chuckling, he looked at me with his pearly whites beaming out.

"You're funny."
After some time, I mentally added Bishop to my good friend list as well. Hanging out with him felt so natural, and neither of us saw each other in a romantic way so that made things even more easier.

We got food, watched movies in his dorm, studied, and developed a pretty good understanding of each other as time went on.

Eventually, I introduced him to my other friends Tiny and Lisa.

Who would've thought that one move would be the catalyst for everything else...

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