
"Tine-"He repeated unconsciously and his gaze fall upon the male's pink lips that was slightly open and then he shifted again.

"W-water-"The words that came out of the stranger was barely a whisper but Sarawat could make it out.

His eyes widened in realisation as he looked around, "Water? Where do I......"He frowned looked around and realised that all the nearby shops were closed.

His eyebrows relaxed when he noticed an open sign which was a little away from where they were.

"Stay right here. I'll get you water, alright?"Sarawat gently slapped the boy's cheek and he just let out a dry hum and nodded in response.

Sarawat made his way to the shop, walking fast, not wanting anything bad to happen to the other in his absence while a question kept echoing in his own head,"why is he doing this much for a stranger?"

Tine felt a small pain on his cheeks and fainted voice asking him to wake up and he slightly opened his eyes to the wet feeling that touched his lips and water going down his throat.

"Slowly"the other person said as Tine got his hand on the bottle and the other helped him to sit up steady.

Once he had enough to quench the dry feeling in his throat he could keep his eyes open, with much effort of course, although his vision wasn't much clear yet, still better than before.

"Are you awake?"The voice asked and his ear's twitched once, sensing something familiar.

He turned his eyes and saw a man who was sitting just beside him, he stared for some time, waiting for his sight to get clearer.

Once his sight was clear enough to identify a face his heart fell and he gasped a little.

His eyes widened as he stared at the lips that looked perfect like a bow, like a cupid's bow.

His gaze moved upwards and his heart started beating faster. The guy had dark hair and dark brown eyes...........in short the guy reminded- the guy he was staying away from was right in front of his eyes.

Tine hated how his mind played games on him. But then again he couldn't deny that he hated this.......the world turned slowly around him at the moment and a cold wind blew past them.

Sarawat frowned feeling uncomfortable at the other staring at him like that but he was also feeling nervous being stared at by a cute male.

The magical moment came to an end when a small growl escaped from Tine.

"I-"Tine quickly looked away feeling embarassed.

Sarawat chuckled lightly, "I'm sorry. You must be hungry. It didn't really crossed my mind. But you're lucky one store is open. I'll get something for you. Stay here, your friend will be here soon, hopefully"Sarawat said feeling awkward as well and when the other didn't looked at him he stood up and walked towards the store again, trying to get some food for the stranger.

Tine sat on the bench frozen before he gathered himself up to look again at the male who was now walking to a small distance.

He couldn't help but be bothered, the person looked awfully similar to his favourite person, Sarawat. From the looks to body language. He but his lip, panicking. Images started flashing in his mind again.

A boy wearing white shirt and black pants, he's a little away from where I was standing. I admit that view's are more beautiful when you see it with your own eyes that through camera and thus, I couldn't help but held my camera down and take look at him. He had some book in which his eyes were fixed on, his dark brown hair slightly falling to his forehead and some cherry blossom on his body that must be from the tree he was sitting below. Even from far I can't help but totally admit that he looked so amazing that his looks alone can make anyone melt.

"Can I take a photo of yours?"


"Because, you're handsome and your eyes are so..........deep and beautiful"

"I'm blind"

Tine felt his head was clearing up,but it was hurting him to the same amount. He stared into the darkness ahead him, small lights from distance, tear's welled up in his eyes.

"I love you......."

"You can do anything to me, other than leaving me"

"It's not going to rain forever. It'll stop sooner or later"

"Are you trying to be poetic?"

"No,Wat.......just trying to say that........ nothing never stays the same, everything will come to end one day.........and you gotta move on"

"You gotta move on......"Tine whispered underneath his Breath and a tear slipped out of his eyes. Suddenly there was a blinding light directed at his that made him to cover his eyes with hands and turn his head.

It was a car that stopped just before him and came out Nani, looking worried.

"Tine!"Nani called out as he ran to him.

"Nani? How're you-"Tine cut himself off when he remembered what the other male was saying before walking away, he must've have let his contacts know.

Soon Tine was walking to the car with the help of Nani, Tine looking back to the way the taller male walked away to every now and then, hoping to see him once again......just to make sure if it was real or just his mind playing games with him.

"Get in,Tine...... everyone's worried and is waiting for you"Nani said again to Tine who stood outside the car, hesitant to get inside.

After ten minutes the no-one came that way, he could see a few people walking out of the store and walking to the opposite direction.

He let out a long sigh before getting into the car,"I-"

"What is it,Tine?"Nani asked concerned.

"I saw him"Tine whispered, inaudible to Nani who assumed that Tine was still drunk and walked to the other side of the car, getting in the driving seat.

Nani started the car and Tine looked out, "I really did......."he whispered.

He ran out of the store after paying for the snacks and into the empty, almost black night.

He ran fast but slowed down when he could see the bench the other male was sitting now, only a water bottle placed on it and he saw a car moving away from his sight.

"What-"He gasped and breathed heavily, looking at the small Cover of snacks he brought for the cute male.

A slight disappointment at the bottom of his heart as a thought crossed his mind, they might never see again.

"I wasted my money"Sarawat mumbled to himself to escape from the uncomfortable feeling and the question rang in his head again,

'why did he did this much to a stranger? Would he have done the same to anyone in such a situation?'

"Yes...... I would've done the same to anyone in that situation"Sarawat answered to himself as he walked instead of running.

No more thoughts bothering him as he disappeared into the dark night, aiming towards his home.

𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑦 (𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑓) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now