Chapter 4. Goodbye and Hello

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I told you that I have to. That I chose my friend over you. Your reply was a cold okay.

I saw you the next day. You glared at me and averted your eyes. You were mad at me and refused to see me.

All I know is that you and my friend are now together. Fun. I successfully did my mission.

I felt empty and hollow. Like a part of me went missing.

But what can I do? That was my call.

. . .

6 months passed like a blur. You messaged me for the first time. You told me tp take care of my friend. You were transferring schools. That it can't be helped.

I was mad at myself. I wasted so much time. I just cried until my tears dried out. You were the 1st person who I cried my eyes out.

That when I realized. I love you and I cannot lose you again.

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