"S-sorry sweetie, I-"

"No hyungie, it's not you" Jungkook chuckled. "He just kicked me again."

"Oof..." Jin exhaled in relief and slid back towards Jungkook. Then he laid his head on Jungkook's stomach again and started to talk with the baby.

"You scared uncle Jinnie..." he said with a pout. "If you promise to be a good boy in there, Uncle Jinnie's gonna buy you lots of toys."

"Don't spoil my baby yet hyungie.." Jungkook laughed, ruffling Jin's hair. 

"How're you gonna name 'im?" the older asked running his fingers slowly on the other's bump, making slight chills run down Jungkook's spine.

"I-I haven't think about it yet but...." Jungkook was thoughtful for second before he went on like, "But I've already decided to add 'Seok'."

Jin felt goosebumps on his skin as he sat upright. 

"S-Seok?" he asked in bewilderment. 

"Yeah" Jungkook replied with an innocent smile. "Hyungie had done a lot for me so this's just a small way to show my gratitude." 

Jin couldn't believe what he was hearing right then. 

Jungkook's gonna name his baby after him? Was it a dream? Was he hallucinating once again? 

After sometime, Jin found his voice back and his eyes started to water.

"Mm..I-I don't know what to say. Th-This is just so much for me. I feel I'm not worth it 'cause.. 'cause this is so huge. I'm sorry but I don't deserve this. You should come up with a better name."

"Hyungie?" Jungkook's brows ceased with worry as he held both of Jin's hands. "What are you saying? How could you speak so low of you? You're the best person I've ever met in my life so it's a pride for me to have your name on my baby. If you don't deserve it, then nobody does."

Jin's heart raced as those honest words touched his ears. He wanted to believe he's not dead yet 'cause it was his precious Jungkook, who's admiring him. 

"A-Are you sure you like that name?" Jin asked with a bitter smile as he wiped off the tears with the back of his hand. "I-I mean, it's not very common."

"Nope, It's not and I don't care even if it is. It's my child and I can name him whatever I prefer."

Jin nodded as he kept his head on the other's shoulder. "Then what's the second name?"

"You can come up with that one hyungie." Jungkook requested. "What would go with 'Seok'?"

"How about hyun? Seok-hyun?" Jin suggested and Jungkook nodded right away with a smile. 

"Yeah, that's good. Our little Seok-hyun..."

Jin placed his hand on Jungkook's, which was on his belly and interwound their fingers softly. Then he looked deep into those sweet doe eyes.

Jungkook closed his eyes when he felt Jin's lips pressing on his forehead. His heart stopped beating for a second when the elder's breath mingled with his but before he knew it, Jin pulled himself back. 

"Thank you for giving me so much happiness." he whispered. "I promise I'll protect you and our angel with all might."

Jungkook's face turned pink hearing what Jin said. It sounded like they were more than brothers. Probably husbands. 

Jungkook's features colored more when he thought about calling Jin,'Yeobo'. It felt so right. He could indeed be the best husband.

"Are you alright?" Jin questioned seeing Jungkook so shy. 

"Y-Yeah, just...tired." 

"Oh sorry, Um.. How about I sing for you-I mean, our baby?"

Jungkook's eyes widened. "S-Sing?"

Jin scratched his neck nervously as he spoke. "Y-Yeah, I haven't done this in a while but.. I'm just too happy to stop myself now. So if you don't mind...."

"...It's okay hyungie. You can start, I would love to hear you singing. I've never heard you singing."

"Seok hyun, Uncle Jinnie's dedicating this song for you so listen close, okay baby?"

Jin began the song while caressing the younger's tummy with so much love and care.

"Close your eyes
Have no fear
The monster's gone
He's on the run and your daddy's here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy

Out on the ocean
Sailing away
I can hardly wait
To see you come of age
But I guess we'll both just have to be patient

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy"

Jungkook had tears in his eyes when he heard and saw how Jin really meant every word in the lyrics with his whole heart. He could see it in his gaze.

Jin's eyes shone as he finished singing. He bent down and placed a small kiss on the other's belly while looking into his eyes.

'Hyungie's so romantic.' Jungkook's mind screamed as he stared back at him. 'I wish I was worthy enough to have his love, though I don't. I don't deserve that so stop imagining things furtherer, Kook. 'Cause expectations may break your heart at the end. Hyungie did a lot for me already so I shouldn't expect him for grant me something so big like that. He would become ashamed of me, if he hear these unfaithful stupid thoughts. How dare I even think about being a part of his life? You're tainted Kook, You're so fucking tainted. You're ruined so don't try to ruin others lives as well. Know your place!'

Slowly, tears ran down from his eyes. He hated himself for the feelings he had for his hyung. 

Jin saw him crying and lifted his head up, holding his chin. He wasn't shocked to see the younger like that 'cause he'd witnessed the mood swings before.


Jungkook sniffed and shook his head. "I-I'm fine."

'I'm so stupid for having feelings for hyungie. I got pregnant by Taehyung then expect an totally unrelated person to love me. How much hurt would hyungie feel if he knows my sly thoughts? Wouldn't he assume me as a cunning opportunist? Hyung was right. I'm a slut. Or worse.'


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