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Hermione Granger

"The bloody second night here." Ron growled. His hands were clutched to fists on his legs. A couple of us sat on the sofas in the common room. Harry had already gone to bed, though. "Calm down, Ron. It's nothing, really." I reassured him. I put my hand on top of one of his and squeezed softly. "Nothing? You can't walk, Hermione. Did Madame Pomfrey just let you go back to your dorm?" Parvati asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but changed my mind and shut it. "I didn't exactly.. go to the hospital wing." I muttered. "WHAT?" Both Ron and Ginny shouted. Typical. "We're going there. Now." Ginny ordered. I rolled my eyes. "No. I'm fine. I just want to go to bed."

I got up and Lavender immediately followed me to help me walk up the stairs. About halfway up I heard Ron speak. "Malfoy is a slimy bloody git. First he comes at Harry at the train station and now this? We should do something about it." There was a pause. "What were you thinking?" Dean asked. Lavender and I walked through the doorway. She lead me to my bed and I thanked her. Then she sat across from me.

"I know we haven't exactly seen eye to eye before, but you do realize you can talk to me? I can imagine not wanting to to your friends." She said. I smiled at her. She'd never said anything that nice to me before. She usually just pretended I didn't exist. "Thank you, Lavender." I whispered. She sighed. "So what happened?" I lied down properly and Lavender got up and started changing. The lack of intimacy was maybe the reason talking was so easy. It could also be the concussion, though. "I was just over at the lake and they came at me." I said, focusing on the mattress above me. In the corner of my eye, lavender removed her shirt. "They just started wailing on you?" She asked. I considered that. "I may have said some things that initiated the fight."

"Hermione." Lavender mumbled in a disappointed tone. I turned my head to her and to my shock saw she was standing in just her underwear and socks. I swallowed and looked away awkwardly. Lavender sat down on the corner of my bed and sighed. "What did you say?" "Something about ..their deatheater daddy's approval.." I muttered softly. Lavender sat still and then giggled. "That must've struck a chord," She said, grinning. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her confused. "If what Harry's saying is true, and ..he's actually back, his dad has to be a Death-Eater again, right?" She asked. I looked at her. She didn't break eye contact like everyone usually does. "I suppose so." I whispered after thinking about it. Lavender raised her eyebrows briefly, slapped her thighs and got up. She finished changing, got my night clothes from the chair and threw them at me. "I'm going to the bathroom." She said, leaving me alone.


Fay's deep breathing let me know she was sound asleep above me, and the silhouettes of both Parvati and Lavender lied still. I didn't know what time was, but it was pitch black. I hadn't slept at all. My mind was filled with thoughts. And my head would not stop aching. What did happen with the Malfoy family when you-know-who returned? What would've happened if Parkinson hadn't interfered? And why did she? Every time I closed my eyes I was back in that bathroom with her. Her eyes appeared quite vividly. She cared for me and she kept looking at me a certain way. I can't explain it. It felt.. sort of good though? She was different than anyone I'd ever interacted with. Ron, Harry and Ginny are more of the immediate action types. I can't tell them anything without them making plans to hurt the person that hurt me.

I sighed and turned in my bed. I love them, so much, but sometimes I wish they would talk to me instead of avenge me. A sentence that Malfoy had said kept repeating in my head. "Not here to protect you." They think I can't take care of myself. And shit, they're right. I mean, look at what happened. I tossed again and squeezed my eyes shut. I always need someone to come save me. I always have. I'm too weak to fight, I appear nerdy (and I am) so people target me, I can't help but open my mouth and say something. "Just shut up, shut up, shut up." I whispered to myself. I hadn't realized I said that out loud until someone spoke.

"Can't sleep?" Lavender whispered, startling me. I couldn't see properly, but I think she was looking at me. I sighed. "The headache." I replied. "Ah." Lavender whispered. She let out a heavy breath and turned to face the mattress above her. I rubbed my eyes. "I think they're going to kill me." I muttered. Lavender kept quiet, probably processing. "Huh?" She asked. "Like actually murder me." I added. Lavender sat up. I could see the moonlight reflect on her eyes. It looked really scary. "What do you mean?" She asked.

I frowned. "They we're talking about drowning me in the lake and I would be tied up to a tree in the dark forest and left to die right now if it wasn't for Parkinson." I explained. There was a pause. "Parkinson?" Parvati asked. "The mean one with the short black hair." Lavender said. "I think she's.. actually a good person?" I muttered. Lavender held a hand through her hair. "We'll get back to that, those are death threats, Hermione. You need to tell an adult." She said, not bothering to be quiet, which resulted in Fay groaning and throwing one of her pillows at her. "Stop whining Dunbar." Lavender nagged. Throwing the pillow back. "They wouldn't actually go through with it right?" Parvati chimned in. "I can't imagine they would."

I shrugged. "Just go to bed, I think I'm just going to do some homework in the common room." I then muttered, getting up. "Will you be okay?" Lavender asked, genuinely worried, which was still weird to me. "I mean, getting there." I grabbed my whole bag from the floor. "Yeah." I assured her.

I was in fact not. That whole balance thing was starting to piss me off, but I made it to the common room and sat down on the sofa. My eyelids were heavy and so was my entire head. I rubbed my neck, which felt like it properly bruised and winced. I sighed and opened my bag. I grabbed my phone and checked my messages.

Unknown number: u up?

You: I am now

Unknown number: oh, why?

You: couldn't sleep, you?

Unknown number: had a nightmare
Unknown number: that's embarrassing

You: not at all
You: what happened?

Unknown number: one of my friends became like actually evil

You: lmao what

Unknown number: Idk, it was weird.
Unknown number: are you alright?

You: yeah, why?

Unknown number: I heard about what happened
Unknown number: Malfoy wouldn't shut up about how you broke his nose for the second time.

You: oh
You: hahah I'm not sorry

Unknown number: you shouldn't be
Unknown number: are you actually alright, or are you just saying that?

You: idk
You: it's complicated

Unknown number: try me

You: I'm terrified
You: I'd kick his ass if it was a magical duel, but it isn't
You: he doesn't care about me at all
You: I knew that, but I didn't think he'd actually kill me?

Unknown number: he wouldn't

You: how do you know?

Unknown number: Draco isn't really a bad person. He's just stressed because of things that are going on in his life. He told me he was just going to leave you for one night and untie you in the morning. He just wants to scare you.

You: why is he so mean to us if he isn't a bad person?

Unknown number: honestly? He wants your attention
Unknown number: well, he wants Potter's attention
Unknown number: I used to think he was crushing on him actually

You: Malfoy definitely isn't gay
You: he's really homophobic

Unknown number: maybe it's just internalized?
Read: 02:19


You: so you and Malfoy are close then?
Read: 02:20


Unknown number: yeah

You: are you one of his henchmen?
Read: 02:22


You: are you?
Read: 02:23

Secret admirer || Pansmione || texting/povTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang