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Pansy Parkinson

Her eyes stared into mine as I wiped off her face. We were seated on a bathroom's floor. She sat against the wall and I sat on top of her legs. I hadn't taken her to the hospital wing, and was regretting that now. She was acting off, mostly quiet and staring, and when she spoke she was slurring her words. Maybe she suffered a concussion? Merlin, what did those boys do to her? I've never seen them take it this far.. I tilted Hermione's face and got a closer look at her right cheek. Now that I'd cleaned her up I realized the wound on her cheek wasn't deep. The space around it was red with spots of purple and blue. Her neck was turning a darker shade of red as well. "That's gonna be a nasty bruise." I muttered. "Hm." Hermione replied. I tilted her head back to make her look at me.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked. She smiled faintly and nodded. "Just that my head is killing me, my ears are ringing and I feel like I'm going to throw up," She whispered, still smiling. "What time is it?" I frowned at her. "I think it's around 8:30 pm?" I replied. "Oh." "Oh?" Hermione rubbed her face with her hands. "Why am I so tired?" She asked. I sighed. "I think you have a concussion." I whispered. I caressed her face gently. It would be so easy to kiss her right now. I could just, do it, and she probably wouldn't even remember later. But that would be wrong, so wrong. That's like, taking advantage of her state and she wasn't ready for that sexuality crisis just yet. I realized she had lived a pretty sheltered life a while ago.

"Why didn't you take me to the hospital wing?"

Her raspy question brought me back to reality and I realized I had been staring directly at her lips. I looked at her again. "I... I hoped it wasn't bad?" I answered. Hermione chuckled, and the butterflies in my stomach erupted once again. I couldn't help but smile. "Madame Pomfrey would just— " "You have a pretty smile." Hermione whispered, interrupting me. She looked at me with those beautiful innocent eyes, I didn't know how to react. I just stared at her, mouth slightly open and expression questionable. Hermione looked away. "Sorry, that came out of the blue. You were— " "thank you." I interrupted her in turn. Hermione smiled and bit her lower lip.


I'm so in love with this girl.

"Um.. Madame Pomfrey would just keep you overnight. Most concussions heal themselves." I mumbled. Hermione nodded. I scratched the back of my neck. "Do you think you can walk?" I asked. Hermione responded by attempting to get up. She nearly fell over immediately, but caught herself using the sink. "Oah.. my balance is way off." She muttered. I grinned and offered my hand. She wove it away weakly. "No, no I'm fine." She whispered. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Then she tried to walk out, but turned around and fell into me. I put my arms around her waist to catch her. Her hands were around my neck and she had buried her face into my shoulder. I stood still, a little in shock.

"I'm gonna throw up." Hermione then whispered.


I lead her to the toilet as quickly as I could. She dropped down to her knees, waited a second and then started vomiting. I gathered all of her hair, which was quite a task I might add, and held it back. It wasn't a pretty sight, or a pretty sound, until that little laugh she made in between throw ups. I giggled, slightly conflicted between happiness and disgust and started rubbing her back to let her know I was still there for her. This went on for a couple minutes until she leant her forehead on her arms and caught her breath. "You alright?" I asked. Hermione nodded. "Better." She chuckled and it turned into a full laughing fit when I joined in. I got up and got her another towel.

"You could stay with me tonight. I have a private bedroom. A lot of Slytherins do actually." I offered, handing her the towel. Hermione looked at me, considering. She took the towel and shook her head. "I'd better go back to my dorm. I wouldn't want the girls to get worried, because then the boys would get worried and go look for me and like the idiots they are they'll probably wind up in the forest somewhere." She said, a laugh of disappointment left her lips. I nodded. "I'll help you upstairs then."


"Merlin that's too many stairs," I huffed, mildly exasperated. Hermione laughed the most adorable laugh I had ever heard. Her arm was on my shoulder and mine was around her waist and we had climbed god knows how many stairs. "Is this the Gryffindor entrance?" I asked, not believing all Gryffindors did that Every. Single. Day. I suspiciously examined the portrait of a lady in a white robe. "Password?" She asked, answering my question. I looked to Hermione, who stared at the portrait. Then she turned to me.

"I can't remember the password." She whispered. I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean you can't remember that password?"

"I can't remember the password! Exactly like I said it!"

"How could you — So how are you going to get in?"

Hermione shrugged and freed herself from my grip. She stumbled towards the wall, leaned against it and slid down. "I'll just wait here until someone comes out or in. You go back to your dorm." She said. I frowned. "Do you think anyone is coming out?" I asked. Hermione nodded. "The 1 hour announcement was a couple minutes ago," She replied. "I'll be fine, go." I shook my head and sat down next to her.

We sat in silence for a long time. We didn't need to speak, it wasn't awkward. I noticed a heavy feeling on my chest. Guilt. I should've taken her to the hospital wing. What if something is seriously wrong? How could my friends do this? I knew about the bullying, I was part of the bullying for merlin's sake, but we never took it this far. The Draco I knew would never do this. Something has changed, and I'm not sure if it has anything to do with you-know-who's return.

"Curfew is in 30 minutes, please be aware." A woman's voice echoed through the tower. No one had entered or exited the Gryffindor common room so far. Hermione sighed and turned to me. "Maybe I should stay with you tonight," She whispered. I nodded. "Help me up."

The exact moment the two of us turned around, the portrait swung open.

"Oh! Hermione! There you— "

Lavender Brown stood in the opening, staring at me. Behind her a saw a couple of familiar faces looking as well. "—are." Brown took a couple steps towards us and seemed to notice Hermione's state. "Merlin! What happened to you?!" She shrieked, hurrying to Hermione and taking her from my grip. I realized she would be okay now and I wasn't welcome, so I nodded to myself and turned around to walk away.

"Parkinson!" Hermione's voice called out. I turned back. Hermione hesitated. "Thank you." I didn't react for a second, then nodded again and walked off. I couldn't help but be mad at Brown for ruining my night, but alright. At least Hermione was safe.

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