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Unknown number: Is Weasley your boyfriend?

You: WHAT?!
You: NO
You: ew
You: never

Unknown number: You'd never date him?

You: no, never.

Unknown number: Is that just him, or any guy?

You: what do you mean?
Seen: 21:46


You: Ron is like the brother I never had, so is Harry.
You: I have the picture in my mind now
You: Merlin

Unknown number: HAHAHAH I'm so sorry😭

You: That feels like incest

Unknown number: AHAAHHAH

You: are you in my year?

Unknown number: you know what?

You: what?

Unknown number: let's play the question game.

You: alright
You: so, are you?

Unknown number: Yes.
Unknown number: which people have you dated?

You: Hahah
You: Just Viktor, unless you count my boyfriend from when I was 6 years old

Unknown number: Viktor was the Krum guy?

You: yes.

Unknown number: wasn't he like 20, while you were 14?

You: ..uncalled for, he was 18, I was 15.

Unknown number: that's still questionable

You: he was isolated because of his fame!

Unknown number: he's a pedophile,

You: three years is not that bad
You: whatever. How about you?
You: which poor girls have had the bad luck to date you?

Unknown number: wow you're mean actually
Unknown number: I've dated 3 people, 4 If you count the child ones.

You: who were they?

Unknown number: one of them was Daphne Greengrass

You: Daphne Greengrass??? Didn't Malfoy date her?
You: you're not Malfoy are you?

Unknown number: HAH no, thank Merlin
Unknown number: that slimy git

You: Shit, he dated Parkinson.

Unknown number: still is dating her. He dated Daphne's younger sister as well though.

You: the third-year? Astoria?

Unknown number: Yup

You: ew.
You: ewww

Unknown number: hypocrite

You: :/
Seen: 21:59

You: I'm going to take a shower.

Unknown number: is that an invitation?

You: 🙄🙄
You: see ya

Unknown number: <3

Pansy Parkinson

I stared at the word "online" until it disappeared. I bit my lower lip, trying to stop myself from squeeling. I couldn't believe we had just actually talked. Like, actually talked. A warm feeling spread through my body, the kind I had never felt before. What I had with Daphne was mostly just experimenting. It meant a lot to me, but Daphne is a better friend than lover.

I reread all of the texts and smiled to myself. Even though we had a rocky start and she thinks I'm a guy, it was enough to make my heart explode. This was her. These were her words, she took time out of her day to talk to me. I turned off my phone and let myself fall onto my bed, holding it to my chest and smiling at the ceiling like an idiot.

"Don't screw up Pansy." I whispered.

Secret admirer || Pansmione || texting/povOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant