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Unknown number: good morning, my love
Seen: 07:46

You: why were you up so early?

Unknown number: oh, I just have a routine.

You: a routine?

Unknown number: yeah

You: You realize that we have two classes together today.

Unknown number: Yeah, potions and defense against the dark arts
Unknown number: I wonder how that ministry hag will do

You: Let's give her the benefit of the doubt

Unknown number: she's a literal Amazon version of Barbie

You: Hahah
You: A Pink lady from Grease didn't know how to move on.

Unknown number: AHAHAHAH

You: it is suspicious that the ministry is infiltrating Hogwarts now that You-Know-Who is back

Unknown number: they don't believe that he is though, so why bother?

You: you believe Harry?
Seen: 07:51


Unknown number: I believe things are changing.
Unknown number: it's definitely a discussion at the Slytherin table

You: oh?

Unknown number: most people think Potter is full of shit, but there's some of us just acting weird about it
Unknown number: especially Draco
Seen: 07:55


You: what do you mean by that?

Unknown number: nothing
Unknown number: never mind
Seen: 07:57

Pansy Parkinson

I looked over at the Gryffindor table and found Hermione frowning and putting her phone away. The curls of her hair danced their way across her back as she bent over to reach her bag. She rummaged through her bag for a while and eventually pulled out a newspaper. She sat back up, her eyebrows still furrowed. Somehow, that expression is so attractive to me. She has an opinion and is not afraid to show it.

Suddenly, she met my eyes. My eyes widened, and so did hers. Neither of us were expecting the other to be watching. We stared for a couple seconds. My expression softened, looking into her hazel brown eyes, I nearly melted. My heart pounded louder in my chest for every second she looked at me. I felt like I needed to throw up, but it still was the best feeling I'd ever felt. She clenched her teeth slightly. Then she averted her gaze back to the newspaper.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in disappointment. I wish that moment could've gone on for ever.

Hermione Granger

"Over here, bring it over here!"

My attention was caught by a paper bird flying over our heads. It soared gracefully. "Go on, Seamus. Go on, get it!" Dean encouraged right as the bird passed me. Behind me, Seamus got up from his chair and smacked the bird as hard as he could. There was laughter and groaning, but the bird flew on. It made a loop around the candles and tried made its way to the front of the class, but Vincent Crabbe had to hit it with his slingshot. Then suddenly, it caught fire and landed on Parvati's desk.

"Good morning, children." A high pitched voice came from behind us.

I turned around to see Professor Umbridge lowering her wand. She started her path to the front of the class. "Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations. O-W-Ls. More commonly know as Owls," She started her story in an annoyingly high pitched voice, as if we were toddlers. "Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe." She continued. She shrugged slightly and smiled sweetly as if she hadn't just threatened us. I glanced at Harry and Ron at the table next to me and saw them gazing at Umbridge with a confused expression. Umbridge pointed her wand at the books behind her, and they flew themselves to every student's desk. I immediately opened mine and read the table of contents.

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