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I put down the newspaper and looked up to the person speaking to me. There stood Susan Bones. A smiley, 16 year-old red cheeked hufflepuff girl from my year. Susan and I had shared a couple conversations over the four years we'd spent at Hogwarts, but I wouldn't consider her my friend, so her being here was questionable. I raised an eyebrow and glanced at my best friends on either side of me. Ronald ripped a chicken leg apart with his teeth and then returned my gaze, shrugging slightly. Harry nodded for me to continue the conversation. I turned back to Susan. "Yes?"

Susan held out her clutched hand. "This is for you," she smiled. She opened her fingers and revealed a note. "People were just passing it along, we have no idea who it came from. I thought I'd just save the time and effort and give it to you." She rambled. I smiled faintly and read the words neatly written on top.

Pass this along to Hermione Jean Granger
Anyone other than her opening this will be hexed.

I frowned. "You have absolutely no idea who this is from?" I asked, focusing on Susan again. She shook her head. "It came all the way from the Ravenclaw table, though. It's either a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin." Susan shrugged. I nodded in thought and took the note from her. "Thanks." I muttered. Susan smiled brightly. "No problem!" She sang, turning around and walking off.

"Wha' ith i'?" Ron asked with his mouth still full. I rolled my eyes at him and turned the note around. The backside was blank. I turned it back over and examined the paper. Harry groaned. "Just open it already Mione', merlin." He huffed. I threw my hands up in the air mildly agitated and glared at him. "Don't rush me! For all we know it's a Slytherin playing a prank on me." My comment caused all three of us to look over to the Slytherin table. My eyes glided until I found the person I usually found myself searching for. She sat in silence, deeply concentrated at her food in front of her. I frowned. This was out of character for her. She usually spent more time gossiping and snickering at everything that came out of Malfoy's mouth than actually eating. Ron swallowed loudly and skootched closer to me.

I shook my head softly and decided to just open the note already.

"It's a phone number," I observed, a little taken aback. "Do you know it?" I turned to Harry. He took the note from my hands, looked at the number and shook his head. I turned to Ron, who had a massive grin on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Someone's into you~" He said melodiously. I immediately felt my cheeks heating up, but tried to hide it by rolling my eyes and looking back at the note. He's wrong, obviously. No guy would ever like me, at least none of them here, but why would someone give me their phone number then? With no context at all? I couldn't help but consider the possibility that Ron could be right. Harry chuckled. "I wonder who he is."

"Stop it already," I whispered. "We all know no one likes me." Ron tilted his head slightly. "That's not true. Ever since you went to the ball with Krum last year, guys have been asking about you." I looked at him disgustedly and vomited internally at the thought. The only reason a guy would want to date me is if I've dated a man bigger or more popular than him. As if the only thing that's worthy about me is the man that had me before. Ugh, men.

Ron reached over me and snatched the note from Harry's hands. He smirked as he held it in front of me. "Text the number," He whispered. "It's about time you get some." I glared at him and looked at Harry, who was grinning widely as well. "Maybe he's just a nice bloke looking for a study date." He teased, shrugging innocently. "Yeah, right." Ron replied. He shook the note in front of my face, urging for me to take it. I paused to think about it. "I hate you," I said. Harry raised his eyebrows. "Fine," The two boys cheered and high fived after I took the note, causing many eyes on us. "But just to see who it is!" Ron punched me in the arm and got up. "You kids be safe huh?" He joked. "No promises."


You: Who is this?
Seen: 20:42

Unknown number: Is this Hermione?

You: Yes. What do you want?

Unknown number: you don't have to be so straightforward all the time
Unknown number: makes you seem kinda bitchy
Unknown number: and uptight

You: wow thanks.
Seen: 20:45


Unknown number: I just wanted to talk to you
Unknown number: without everything
Seen: 21:23

You: What do you mean by that?

Unknown number: nothing.

You: well, could you tell me who you are?

Unknown number: not really

You: I see no reason to keep talking to you then.
You: goodbye
Seen: 21:25

21: 28

Unknown number: wait
Unknown number: could we just talk?
Unknown number: you don't need to know who I am to talk to me
Seen 21:30

You: Are you a Ravenclaw?

Unknown number: no, why?

You: so you're a Slytherin
Seen: 21:31

Unknown number: how do you know that

You: because of the way the note passed. You must be a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin.

Unknown number: I could still be a Gryffindor
Unknown number: what if I gave the note to the Slytherin table so it would pass every table?

You: You seem like a threatening over smarts kinda guy.
You: "Anyone other than her opening this will be hexed", really?
Seen: 21:34


Unknown number: right.
Unknown number: you got me, I'm a Slytherin.

You: hahah
You: so why me? Are you guys planning some kind of prank again?

Unknown number: no, this is all me, don't worry

You: what is it then?

Unknown number: I might be
Unknown number: slightly
Unknown number: crushing on you
Seen: 21:37


Unknown number: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything.

You: you must be desperate

Unknown number: what?

You: to be into someone like me

Unknown number: what's that supposed to mean?

You: I don't know? I'm not the type of girl many guys fall for?

Unknown number: maybe not.
Unknown number: I still fell for you.

You: who are you?
Seen: 21:41

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