A lot can happen in one night

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We all get off a bus to see a motel infront of us, it looked old rusted and was called Motel The Glen Capri.
"I've seen worse" Scott says standing next to me and Stiles
"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asked
"Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Cosch yells Allison grabs me her and Lydia's key and we start to walk but turn around to see Lydia standing there
"Come on" I say walking up to Lydia and grabbing her hand
"I don't like this place" she says staring into space
"I don't the people who own this place like this place" Allison says
"It's just for a night" I say grabbing her hand
"A lot can happen in one night" Lydia says snapping put of it and walking with us.

In Stiles and Scott's room

I stand at the door waiting for Stiles to answer
"Hey" he says I smile
"Hey Allison is in the shower so ive got nothing to do" I asked wanting to talk
"Yeah scott left a while ago... You wanna come in?" he says opening the door
"Yeah I would like that" I say with a smile we sit on the bed next to eachother
"I uh I really don't know what I wanted to talk about" I say looking down
"Oh well we don't have to talk" Stiles says looking at me I smile a little "Oh my god I didn't mean like that I ment..." before he could finish I lean in and kiss him he pulls away and looks at me "Addison are you sure" he says with a smile I shake my head and look at him he kisses me again but this time I pull away "you okay?" He asked
"I want to try something else" I say
"Something else?" He asked looking at me I take my shirt off and he looks at me confused I shake my head yes and he kisses me we lay down on the bed I start lifting Stiles shirt up, his lips move down to my neck he grabs my hand and sqeezes it tightly he brings his lips back up to mine and kisses me I pull away with a smile so I could take a breath, but Scott walks in
"Scott" I say sitting up grabbing my shirt and putting it over my chest
"Addison hey" he looks at me and Stiles he turns around quickly so I could get dressed I look at Stiles and smile a little putting my shirt on
"I uh I should go" I say pressing my lips together he shakes his head yes and grabs my hand I smile as my hand slips away from his.

At my room

"198?" I hear Allison say in our room
"Yes, and we're talking 40 years. On average, that's... 4.95 a year, which is... actually expected. But who commemorates that with a framed number? Who does that? Who?" Lydia asked
"What are you talking about?" I asked
"Lydia was talking to the lady at the front and there was a number of suicides over top and the number was 198" she says
"All suicides?" I asked
"Yes. Hanging, throat-cutting, pill-popping, gun in-the-mouth suicides. I don't know about you, but me, I..." Lydia stops looking over at the vent
"Lydia?" I say walking over to her
"Did you hear that?" She asked not looking away from the vent
"Hear what?" Allison says looking at us and walking to us
"Lydia?" I say grabbing her
"Oh my god" she says "Oh my god Oh my god" she says then jumps
"Lydia what what happened?" I asked
"Did you hear that?" She asked agian
"Hear what Lydia?" Allison asked
"The two people in the other room... they shot each other."

What Lydia was hearing

"Which... which one do you want" and asked in the other room
"I don't know the smaller one I guess" the women says
"It's okay. Smaller's better. There's less kick. I'll chamber the round. All right, so..." the man says
"Wait, wait. When do I... I mean, do you count?" She asked
"Yeah, yeah, I'll... I'll... I'll count to three." He tells her
"So after three or on three?" She asked confused
"You tell me" he tells her
"One two then pull the trigger" she tells him
"I love you" the man tells his wife
"I love you too" she says back
"One two" the man says thrn pulls the trigger

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