I Have To Do Something

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In the store parking lot

"Addison you can get in the car now I'll take care of the rest" my dad tells me handing me the keys
"Okay" I grab the keys and get in the car then I hear a bag drop
"It had to be the one with the eggs" my dad sighs and I laugh a little, it went silent so I look back
"Dad?" I see him holding his gun out at someone
"Uh hi" Scott says I jump out of the car and run to them
"First of all, why would I care about anyone related to Derek? And second, I don't know this kid Boyd. I don't even know his last name." My dad says
"Boyd is his last name" I tell him
"Whats his first name?" My dad asked
"Vernon Eh. And just curious, is there a reason the gun is still pointed at me?" I cross my arms and look at my dad
"Maybe some part of me still wants to shoot you" I raise my eyebrow
"I get that" Scott says and my dad puts the gun down
"Scott, I watched my father brainwash my daughters... Almost turn her into a killer." My dad tells Scott and I look down "That world... your world decimated mine. My wife, sister, father, my entire family. Why would I ever step foot in it again?" He says
"Because people are going to die. And because you know how to catch Boyd and Cora without kill them." My dad
looks at me
"I can't help you I'm sorry" he says and I start walking to the car
"Um... Do you think you could do me, like, one little, tiny favor?" My dad looked at Scott then me
"Can we drop her off first?" My dad asked looking at me
"Sure if that's what you want" Scott says getting in the back seat.

At Home

"See ya Scott" I say running inside with the grocerys, when I got to my apartment went into my room
"I can't just sit here and wait for something bad to happen" I say to myself i walk to my closet grabbing my bow and arrows.

At the school

Before my dad and the rest got to the scott i set up a trap for boyd and cora i pull on the trip wire making sure it was stable before running to the school, I stand on top of one of the school busses waiting for Boyd and Cora to round the corner I see them standing behind Isaac and trying to jump on the roof I quickly shoot my arrow around them and they ran into the school, I see Isaac look up and I take off my hood and smile jumping down.

In the car

I start driving home when my phone rings
"Hello? Mrs Mccall" I say looking around
"Hey sweetheart you were probably sleeping sorry to bother you"
"No I wasn't sleeping I just got in the car actually what's up?" I asked
"Uh I brought Stiles in to see a body and uh it was his friend..." I look down
"Heather" I say sadly
"Yeah and uh I think he needs someone to be here with him you know" I close my eye then open them again
"Yeah ill be there" I say hanging up.

At the hospital

"Addison" Mellissa waves her hand towards me
"Hey where is he?" I asked looking around
"Over here" she says walking me to a room we walk in as Stiles was questioning someone
"We weren't doing anything that bad. I mean, I've camped out there plenty of times" The girls says
"Right but why tonight?" He asked I walked over to him and put my hand on his arm he looked at me and smiled looking back at the girl
"We wanted to be alone for one night. Emily lives with her mom, and I have three roommates. Not exactly romantic settings, you know?" She says looking at me and Stiles, he looked at me for a second then looked back at the girl
"Uh how long have you two been together?" Stiles asked ignoring her question
"Three months" she says
"And you wanted to make it romantic" I say with a small smile
"Yeah because it was..." the girl started to say
"Because it was he first time?" Stiles asked I look at him confused but he stayed looking at her
"Yeah" she looks down "they're going to find her right?" She asked I look at Stiles
"They're going to try" I say putting my hand on her shoulder and pulling Stiles out of the room "Hey" I say hugging him
"Hey" he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight against his body
"You okay I know she ment a lit to you" I whisper not letting go
"I'm okay" he says holding me tighter, we stayed there for a little bit until Stiles got a call from Scott.
"So Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?" Scott asked
"Your gonna wish they did" Stiles says
"I'm not exactly sure yet. the other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather... That guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins... And they're all gonna have the same three injuries... strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in. It's called the threefold death." Stiles tells us
"So if these aren't random k*ll, then what are they?" Scott asked
"Sacrifices. Human Sacrifices" Stiles says I look at Stiles as he hangs up on Scott "I don't know what to do" Stiles says
"You not knowing what to do there must be something wrong" I say trying to laugh
"Addison you always find a way to make me laugh" Stiles says walking with me
"Well good because if I didn't you would always be so sad" I say and he grabs me and we walk laughing together.

The Pack 《Stiles Stilinski》//Complete//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt