summer cold

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conrad came back from the movies with susannah at around 10:30. i was in my room all night because i had a terrible headache. i had to squint my eyes to be able to see without it hurting. i had my light off and i was just on my phone. i heard lots of people talking downstairs but i felt too bad to go down there and i ended up falling asleep. i was woken up at 3 in the morning to belly coming in my room. i had an even worse headache than earlier. "psst y/n." she said. i looked up and she was dressed up. "get up and come on. me, you, conrad and jere are gonna go out to the beach." i rolled over and groaned. "okay fine." i said. i sat up and then got dressed. i brushed my teeth and walked down with belly. i was EXTREMELY dizzy. i felt like i was floating and when i turned my head it felt like i was a tower about to fall down. my ears were ringing and my nose was running. i knew i was getting sick. we went outside to the beach and met up with some people. one of conrad's buddy's was out there and he was talking to him. it was like a small little get together you could say. i felt terrible. i told belly i was going back to the house because i felt like i was gonna pass out but she wasn't listening to me. she just nodded and went back to her convo with jere. i sighed and walked off towards the house. i had to stop because everything was spinning and i almost passed out. i finally made it to the house and i went upstairs pretty fast and plopped on the bed without changing clothes.

i woke up at ten am the next morning and i went downstairs. i had been coughing all night and my nose was running but my headache went away. my voice sounded so bad. "good morning." i said. everyone looked at me funny. "oh i have a little cold i'm fine." i said. susannah came over to me. "you don't look fine. sit down." she said. i sat in a chair at the table and she told everyone to stop staring at us. but conrad did. he was worried, i could tell by his expression. she got the thermometer and i had a fever of 101.5. "oh my gosh." she said. laurel came over there. "wow. you need to lay down." she said. i started to go upstairs but they stopped me. "no lay on the couch and i'll make some tea." she said. i nodded and laid down on the couch. i was cold. and i was never cold unless it was winter. conrad got his (well ours now) blanket and covered me up with it like susannah told him to. "th-thanks" i said as i was shaking. "geez y/n." he said. he felt my forehead and pulled his hand back super quickly. "do you need to go to the hosptial?" he said. "um no." i said. susannah came back with some chamomile tea and i took a sip. the warm felt good on my throat. "thank you susannah." i said. "you're welcome sweety. now remember we were supposed to go to the club today. you cant go if your sick but i can't leave you alone like this. um i'll stay with you." she said. "no i'll stay with her." conrad said. everyone looked at him and he shrugged. "i didn't really wanna go to the club anyways." he said. "well thank you honey that is very kind of you." she said. she hugged him and then everyone left except me and conrad. and of course i had to have a old smoker coughing fit right in front of him. it was so embarrassing. he was just staring at me with concern. i wanted to watch tv so i got up, but i stumbled and he stood up and put his hand on my back. i blushed so hard. i grabbed the remote and layed back down. i turned on austin and ally and i watched that for about an hour before i fell asleep again.
i woke up from my nap with a horrible headache and i couldn't breathe. i had to breathe through my mouth. it was miserable. i checked the time and it was 2 pm. conrad was sitting in the chair beside the couch reading a book. i sat up and he looked up at me. "good morning sleepyhead." he said. "shut up." i said. he smirked at me. "i'm going to pee." i said. i had to pee so bad. but i was scared i would fall on the way there but there was NO WAY i was gonna ask him to help me. i carefully walked to the bathroom and as i was washing my hands i could tell i was about to pass out. which was odd because this was different from a cold. i walked out of the bathroom and i was almost to the couch and i layed down and took a deep breath. "are you okay?" he said with concern. i nodded. but then i started crying like a baby. "i feel like i'm gonna pass out and my head hurts so bad it feels like someone is taking a hammer to it." i said as i cried. conrad came and sat beside me on the couch and felt my head and he went into the bathrooom and got me a towel for my head. "i'm taking you to the hospital." he said. "no please. i don't wanna walk." i said. i was NOT about to be embarrassed and have him carry my fat self to the car. he would probably drop me anyways. but he did carry me that one time but still NO. "i'll be fine. i just need to move around i think." i said. i stood up and started walking around and that made me nauseous. so of course i started throwing up too. "oh my gosh i'm dying." i told conrad. he laughed. "your not dying y/n." he said. he helped me back to the couch and i went back to sleep.

i woke up after my second nap to the sound of cobras coughing. i gasped and sat up. "what?!" he said. "are you sick?" i said. he laughed. "no. i feel fine i had water go down the wrong hole." he said. i nodded. "you feeling any better?" he asked. i sat for a second to think. no i didn't feel better. about the same. "no. i feel the same." i said. he nodded. "i'll be right back. i have to go get dinner from the uber eats. now don't go anywhere." he said. i nodded and laid back down. he came back in a couple minutes later with chinese food. he put a plate in front of me and i almost threw up all over him. i had to run to the bathroom and i didn't even shut the door. i threw up and then cried and then threw up again. conrad came in there and hugged me and told me i was gonna be okay. "what's wrong with me?" i said. he shrugged. "i don't know. i'm gonna take you to the hosptial." he said. i nodded. i felt so bad. he helped me walk to the car and helped me get in the car without hitting my head. he shut my door and i saw him put his hand through his hair as he walked around which meant he was stressed. "i feel bad." i said. "i know." "no i mean about you taking me to the hosptial." "don't feel bad. you're literally dying so i'm taking you." "thanks." i said. then i fell asleep again.
"y/n. come on we're here." he said. i woke up and i unbuckled and i stretched. conrad helped me out of the car and we went into the emergency room. we walked to the nurse at the counter. "hi how may i help you?" she said. "hi, she keeps throwing up, she's dizzy, runny nose, migraines, a bad cough, and she was even about to pass out earlier several times. i don't know what to do. she can't eat and she's so sick she keeps falling asleep." he said worriedly to the nurse. the nurse did some typing and said it would be about an hour wait. "okay thank you." he said. "he got down to my level whike i was sitting and held my head up with his hand. "can you wait an hour?" he said. i nodded. then he said beside me and texted my aunt and his mom. i felt so bad. then i felt like i was gonna pass out. my eyes were heavy. c-conrad." i said. "what?" he said. "i think im gonna pass out." i said. he mumbled some cuss words under his breath and called the doctor over. "please hurry she's gonna pass out." he said. and that's all i remember.


a/n: hey guys, um i know this might be everywhere all at once but i'm just kinda playing around and i promise there's a point to the story.

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