the effects

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y/n pov:
after i talked to the cops, laurel and conrad went with me to the hospital to get things checked out. we drove in complete silence until we were finally there. i could walk now, i just needed sleep. but i was still in pain. we walked in and saw a cute little petite lady at the register. she looked at laurel and said hi. "we called last night for y/n l/n." laurel said. the nurses face dropped and she looked at me with sad eyes. i kinda smiled at her and she smiled back, but it was a pity smile. we waited about five minutes until the doctor came to get me. the checkup went well, i had a couple of bruises and cuts but i'm not pregnant or anything. the checkup was horrible the more i think about it. she was touching everything and harshly too. but at least now i know im okay. she gave me some cream i have to put on down there for ten days and i can't swim for ten days.

we walked back out and conrad was sitting in a different chair with his leg bouncing up and down. conrad didn't get nervous. this was all new. he heard us talking and looked up. he didn't wanna know what happened. "im not pregnant." i literally busted out. "that's great!" conrad said awkwardly. then i changed the subject to something else. on the way back to the house we stopped and got lunch at this cute little beachy cafe. i got a burger and sweet potato fries. i was starving. i didn't eat breakfast this morning or dinner last night so i was starving. i pretty much ate everything except a fourth of my burger. after we paid, we walked to the car. "thanks aunt laurel." i said. "it's no problem honey." she said quickly. i smiled. we drove back to the house and i went back to my room. i was alone finally. it was nice if i'm being honest. i sat on my balcony and read my romance novel and lost myself in my book.

two days later:
i heard a fast knock on my door, which meant it was belly. i went to the door and belly was there and she had her swimsuit on. "want to swim?" she asked. i sighed. "i can't swim for ten days." i said. she made a "o" shape with her lips and said "i'm sorry." "it's okay. i've just been reading. i'm gonna go take a shower." i said. she nodded and walked off. i shared a bathroom with belly and steven. i grabbed my clothes and walked to the bathroom. my shower felt good. taking a shower always made me feel good though, just washing and feeling refreshed. i love taking showers. i got out of the shower and got dressed. i walked out of the bathroom and went back into my room. belly was sitting on my bed and she looked excited. "i just got word that there's a huge bonfire tonight. do you want to come?" she asked. i wanted to go but i was a little scared. "yes i'd love to. as long as i stay with y'all." i said. "of course. we won't let anything happen to you. i'll use my karate moves if i have to." "HA! you know like two moves." "be quiet y/n." i giggled and she told me we were leaving after dinner. i went downstairs with her and sat on the couch beside susannah. she hugged me and kissed my head. she was such a caring woman. i loved her like she was my own mom. laurel cooked that night. we had spaghetti and meatballs with salad. it was good. the closer the bonfire gets the more excited i am if i'm being honest. after dinner i went upstairs and changed into a cute designer tshirt i got for christmas and a pair of black ripped jean short shorts.i put on my nike air forces and a tiny bit of makeup and i was ready. i know it had only been a couple days but i was kind of excited. but i was also nervous. i knew i would have fun once i was there but i had never been to a bonfire before. we walked down to the beach and i realized i was the only one wearing shoes. then i spotted conrad there with some girl. he's been a jerk to me these past two days. he's been very moody lately. i don't know why but i saw him and he was surprised to see me there. "conrad looks like he's seen a ghost." belly said to me. i laughed and slapped her shoulder and she laughed. we just kinda hung out and chilled and then i went to go get a drink (coke) and i saw conrad making out with some girl. my heart shattered. the girl was oddly familiar. i was steaming. i felt like this past week has meant nothing to him and i grabbed my coke and slammed the ice chest shut and stormed off. yes, i was being dramatic but i really loved him and to see him with another girl was torture. i walked back to where belly and jere were like five seconds ago but they were not there. i couldn't find them. as i turned around i smacked into someone. hard. "oh my gosh i'm so sorry i wasn't paying attention." i gasped. then the guy said it was fine. "i'm blake." he said. we shook hands and i felt a spark. "i'm y/n." i said. we talked all night. and it was more meaningful and less creepy than with the other guy. i saw conrad look over there a few times after i would laugh and he would glare at the guy. which was kind of hot. but the guy was super sweet.

a couple hours later almost everyone had left and me and him were still talking. he is easy to talk to. i checked the time and my eyes widened. "oh crap." i said. it was an hour past my curfew. i stood up really fast and wiped the sand off my butt. "um i have to go." i said. "here's my number." blake said. i gave him my phone and he put it in. "call me." he said. i smiled and yelled okay as i sped walked off. conner was still making out with that girl and i told him it was 1. "crap." he mumbled. he stood up and we walked together. "i see you got yourself a little boyfriend." he said sarcastically. "i see you got yourself a little girlfriend." i replied. he rolled his eyes. "she's not my girlfriend. she was just cute." he said and shrugged. "he's not my boyfriend either. and he's super cute." i said. i stormed off in anger. i suddenly realized that i had been leading blake on all night just to make conrad jealous. i felt horrible.

the next day he called me and i answered. "it's blake." he said. "hi blake. how are you?" he asked. "oh i'm good." he replied. "do you maybe wanna catch a movie with me later?" he asked. i felt giddy. "of course um yeah. when?" i asked. i mentally slapped myself bc of how awkward i am. "how about 7 tonight?" "yes! that'll be great!" i said. "great i'll be there at 7." he said. "okay bye." then i hung up. i smiled and put the phone down. belly was smiling at me. "your first date!!!" she yelled. i said "i know!!" this is my first date sadly.

safe with me (conrad fisher) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum