Chapter 36

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.


Third Person POV

"I knew it!" Cooheart exclaimed, pushing his mom out of the way, making his mom almost drop the bowl of egg noodle dish.

Cooheart barged into his bedroom and froze in his tracks.

"What's the meaning of this???" Cooheart turned from his mother to Santa who was looking like he was ready to faint.

Then Cooheart grabbed his mom by her shoulders shaking her so strongly that Santa had to take the bowl from her hands to keep her from dropping it and making a big mess on the floor.

While shaking his mom's shoulder, Cooheart was saying angrily, his voice quivering in suppressed emotion, "So this was why you did not want me to enter my room! All this time you were having an affair with Santa! You were hiding him from me all this time because you knew that I would not accept someone seven years younger than me to be my stepfather!!!"

Cooheart started to sob, burying his face in his hands while saying, "How could you, mom??? How could you??? Actually, how could both of you???"

With one swift movement, Cooheart rushed up to Santa and slapped him hard in the cheek. Santa almost dropped the bowl that he had taken from Mrs. Namwirote.

Cooheart's mom grabbed Cooheart and pushed him against the bedroom wall.

"Listen to me, you idiot son of mine!" Mrs. Namwirote said, pressing her whole weight against Cooheart, and pinning him to the wall. "But first let me do this to you."

And with those words, she gave Cooheart a painful flick on Cooheart's forehead.

"Oww! Mom!" Cooheart protested.

"That's for stupidly thinking that I would even think about having an affair with Santa," Mrs. Namwirote said. "It was my idea to have him stay in this house and stay away from you until you have come to your senses and have sorted out your priorities. I have instructed him to not have any communication with you in any way, that is why you could not get through to him because I have confiscated his phone and turned it off, in case he got tempted to contact you."

"Why are you doing this to me, mom!" Cooheart was sobbing again. "You know that I love Santa more than anyone else!"

"Oh yeah??" the sarcasm in Mrs. Namwirote's voice was not lost on Cooheart. "Is that why you swing from Title to Kao and back to Title again, never giving a second thought on how you might be hurting Santa's feelings??"

Once more, Mrs. Namwirote gave a painful flick on Cooheart's forehead.

"Oww!" Cooheart rubbed the reddening area on his forehead.

Santa quickly set down the bowl of egg noodle dish on top of the bedroom dresser and rushed up to Mrs. Namwirote and pulled her away from Cooheart.

"Please stop hurting him now," Santa pleaded to Mrs. Namwirote.

"Why, you want him to keep treating you like a dish rag all your life?" Mrs. Namwirote said angrily, although she allowed Santa to pull her away from her son. "I want to teach him a lesson by not allowing him to see you until he has realized who is the most important man in his life."

Cooheart rushed over to Santa, hugging him tight.

"You are the most important man in my life, baby," he sobbed into Santa's chest. "I promise I won't ever keep in touch with either Kao or Title. Look, I will delete their contact numbers from my phone."

Cooheart took out his phone from his pocked, and in front of his mom and Santa deleted first Kao's number and then Title's.

"What about Title's mom's number?" Mrs. Namwirote was not yet satisfied with Cooheart's action.

"Okay, I will delete her number as well," Cooheart said, going back to his list of contacts.

While Cooheart was engrossed with his phone, Mrs. Namwirote gave a secret wink to Santa.

Santa did not wink back or smile. He was afraid that Cooheart would catch Mrs. Namwirote's wink.

"Are you both satisfied now?" Cooheart asked before putting his phone back inside his pocket.

"Not yet," Santa replied. "First, kiss me like you mean it."

Before Cooheart could make a move toward Santa, Mrs. Namwirote protested, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let me leave the room first."

She then left the room, closing the door softly behind her, locking it from inside before walking out.

She gave one last wink to Santa and Santa gave her a thumbs up behind Cooheart's back.

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