Soon his disappointment faded into something that made him smile broadly as he felt her hand on his cheeks. She pulled him close to herself and kissed him on the lips gently. "I had to make sure everything was purrfect." She said softly as she pulled away from him. He then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back more tenderly. "You definitely came up with this purrfectly, M'lady." He said, it was clear that he was actually proud of her how she came up with all this and her amazing ideas. "I have been planning this for a while, Chaton." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. "I can't tell you how proud I am, but I'm so happy to know that you're Ladybug behind this mask." He said, overjoyed now that the hero knows who she really was after so many years but he couldn't help it as the feline hero wrapped his arms around her to pull her close to him. She smiled happily as cuddled up in his arms. "Chaton will I ever be able to know who you are underneath the mask?" She asked softly. His face's expression showed clearly how happy he was and held her tightly in his arms for a long time. "It wouldn't be fair, you have the right to know who I am behind this mask M'lady." He said, honestly admitting this to her. "Maybe you can show me what you look like in your civilian form." She said softly as she held him close. "Are you sure that you want to know, Princess? You have to decide for yourself what you want so I'd rather leave that decision to you." He said as he looked at her. He's not quite sure how she'll react to his revelation and whether she'd be disappointed in him if she knew his identity. She leaned in and kissed him deeply and passionately. "Did that answer your question?" She asked him as she pulled away. "If not, I will love you no matter who you really are Chaton." She said softly. He was always perplexed when she kissed him on the lips but the feline doubtless kisses her back tenderly. "Okay... If you insist Bugaboo, I'll show you who I am." He took a deep breath before he said his words. "Plagg, Claws In." He said softly. He de-transformed and there he stood without a mask. Without his heroic costume which he always wore as Cat Noir during their patrols. "Marinette... I hope you don't see me any different but I'm Adrien Agreste. I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier." He said looking at his beloved friend.

Everything clicked for Marinette as she looked at him. "I love you, Adrien. I have loved you since you have given me your umbrella on the first day of school." She said as she smiled happily as she grabbed his cheek and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. Now that everything was falling into place he realized how blind he really was from the very beginning since the day they met. "You are a very special girl. One of the most beautiful women, I've ever loved. All this time how blind could I be that I didn't see it earlier. I'm so happy you know who I am after so many years and months. I can't describe how much I love you from the bottom of my heart Marinette." He said and honestly he couldn't be happier than in these wonderful moments where he seemed speechless after hearing her words that she loved him from their first day of school where he gave her an umbrella because of the rain as he undoubtedly kissed her back with passion to show how incredibly happy he was that she knows. She smiled happily in their kiss. She pulled him closer to himself. She kissed him deeply and passionately. He gently wrapped his arms around her supple waist as the feline hero extended the kiss tenderly and more passionately while holding her close against him.

"I want to claim you as mine so bad as Marinette or Lady Bug but I know I can't do it." He said as he looked at her. "Why not??" She asked as she looked at him. "I am yours either way, Chaton." She said. He looked away for a few seconds as the lacquered hero seized his chance to ask her to be sure. "Marinette, I don't want anything than to be yours and only yours." He said as he looked at her attentively. Staring into her eyes and gently took her hands. "Then be mine. As Chat Noir and Adrien Agreste." She said as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips deeply and passionately. "Then I'll be yours from now on as Cat Noir and Adrien Agreste." He said and he couldn't help but to smile brightly as the feline kissed her back passionately and softly. "I promise you, I'll do anything to make you happy purrincess." He said flirtatiously. She pulled him close and held onto him. "Everything you need to make me happy is to be here with me." She said softly. His slender arms wrapped around her supple waist as he spoke convinced against her. "I'm not gonna leave you, I'll always be here and wouldn't even dare to leave your side I love way too much from the bottom of my heart M'lady." He said affectionately. "Adrien, would you like to go on a date with me?" She asked. A widened smile would soon form on his lips as he immediately grabbed her hands softly. "I would love to, Marinette more than anything." He stated. She smiled happily as she leaned in and kissed him deeply and passionately. His wide smile wouldn't disappear soon enough as he kissed her back passionately and tenderly.

"I can't wait for our date to start, actually I should be the person to spoil you with how special you are to me it would also be so romantic if we danced under the moonlight as long as I'm with you I'm the happiest boy in the world with you by my side princess." He said as he held her close. She smiled happily as she grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the small picnic that she had set up. He blinked in astonishment with his eyes as soon as the feline noticed that she grabbed his hands and dragged him to a spot with a picnic on the ground. There was macaroons, brownies, chocolate and two plates of homemade macaroni and cheese, with two cups of soda laid out on the large picnic blanket. Tikki and Plagg were laying on the blanket cuddling. Without the two of them realizing it slowly became dark, the moon shone oh so brightly under the starry sky that sparkled heavenly and he can't wait for their picnic to begin with her at his side under the moonlight above them. She smiled happily as she went over and sat down on the picnic blanket in front of them. He would sit next to her on the picnic blanket as he looked up to the starry sky where the moon shone high above them. "It's beautiful here and quiet. But nothing is more beautiful than you princess." He said smiling. "You are such a flirt." She said as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Maybe I am, but can you blame me for that? Or am I not allowed to say how beautiful you are?" He said as he tilted his head curiosity as as a faint blush formed on his cheeks. "It's always allowed because I love you, Adrien." She said softly as she leaned in and kissed his lips. "I love you too, Marinette from the bottom of my heart." He answered sincerely opposite her as the lacquered hero kissed her back swooning. She giggled happily as she leaned in and cuddled her man.

Marinette's phone began playing a slow song because of Tikki and Plagg. They began laughing happily. "May I have this dance, my lady?" Adrien asked her. "You may." She said, giggling. They bowed respectfully to one another. Adrien placed his hand in her hand and around her waist as they danced with her. Marinette smiled happily as they danced. "I will always love you my beloved Princess." He said as he twirled her around before pulling her back and dipping her gently. "I love you too, my beloved Prince." She said as she looked at him happily as they danced. Adrien leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back deeply and passionately. He held her hand and gently pulled her closer by her waist as they danced together. They pulled away and looked at one another happily. Marinette smiled happily as they danced together. "I love you so much, Marinette." Adrien said as he twirled her around before pulling her back into his arms. Adrien smiled before dipping her gently. She smiled and giggled as they danced to the music. They spent the night curled up in each other's arms, talking, eating and just being together. It was perfect and amazing. It was around two in the morning when they resumed being responsible and began packing up everything. Marinette let Adrien keep the leftover food. "Make sure that you eat it all." She said giggling. "I will, I promise." Adrien said happily as he held onto the notes and the bag of sweets she gave him. They finished cleaning and transformed into Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug went over and kissed her boyfriend deeply and passionately on the lips. "Good night, my prince." She said softly. "Goodnight, Purrincess." He said as he watched her go home. He then grabbed everything and went home. They de-transformed as they got ready for bed thinking about the other. Adrien hid the snacks and food that Marientte gave him in his secret mini-fridge in the cupboard. Marinette and Adrien got into their respective beds and fell asleep happily.

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