Part 13

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Slowly, you open your eyes and take in the sunlit room. Warmth surrounds your body, and you sigh in contentment. You couldn't be more comfortable if you were laying in a bed of clouds. Turning your head slightly, you find Sunwoo's face on the pillow next to you. His arms are still wrapped securely around your body like he didn't let go of you the entire night, and your legs are tangled up in each other. This is a complete 180 from the way you woke up yesterday.

You admire his face as he sleeps. The way his eyelashes splay across his cheek and his plump lips are slightly parted makes your heart flutter. He's so pretty that it almost hurts. A part of you wants to reach up and lightly run a hand over his smooth skin, but you're scared to shatter the illusion in front of you. If you move, you might wake him up, and then your leisurely staring will have to be finished.

A bang sounds in the cabin, followed by Haknyeon's mumbled swearing. With a wince, you glance at the bedroom door, knowing all too well what he's feeling right now. You do pity him, honestly, but you don't feel bad for taking his spot. Then, you wouldn't have woken up to this beautiful sight in front of you.

You look back at Sunwoo to find him silently watching you. You jump, slightly startled by him being awake, and he closes his eyes with a light smile on his face. His arms tighten around you, intent on holding you for a little while longer, and you curl yourself into him once more.

"Good morning," he finally says, in a deep, gravelly morning voice that has absolutely no business being that sexy.

You're suddenly glad your face is below his because the sound shocks you to your core, sending tingles throughout your body. It's definitely showing on your face as you stare in disbelief at his neck too. Which… How have you never noticed how pretty his neck is? Why is everything about this man so damn attractive?

"Morning," you squeak out before it can become awkward.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I never want to get up from this spot. I'm so comfortable right now."

His arms tighten around you. "Then, let's stay here all day."

You know if you look up at his face, you're going to see his mischievousness twinkling in his eyes. The two of you in bed all day? That would undoubtedly lead to only one thing because you're sure you'll have zero self-control when it comes to the man in front of you. Now that the two of you have crossed a certain line, there's absolutely no going back.

More swearing comes from the living room. You pull back and look at Sunwoo with a grimace. "I don't think Haknyeon had such a good night."

Sunwoo shrugs his shoulders. "Better him than you."

You lightly swat his chest. Even if you agree with him, you shouldn't say it. He grins and lets out a sexy, "What? You don't agree?"

"Behave," you try to give him a stern look, but it immediately dissipates.

"I don't know how to behave." His hand presses into your back, and he tugs you impossibly closer to him. When he leans toward you to give you a kiss, you quickly put your hand up to cover your mouth and lean away.

His lips kiss your hand, and he pulls back with a pout. "Let me kiss you."

"No kissing until our teeth are brushed," you tell him, leaving no room for argument.

He rolls his eyes and leans toward you again. "I don't care about your morning breath. I want a kiss."

"I care," you push him back. "We've kissed once. We're not at the morning breath stage yet."

He gives you a sad look, but you notice the smile slowly creeping in. His arms casually move up your body, making you suspicious. When his hands grab each side of your head, you bring both hands up to your mouth to block him, but he doesn't go for your lips. Instead, he sprinkles your face with kisses. It's actually much more of an attack as he peppers them all over your eyes, nose, forehead, and cheeks.

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