Part 8 (Sunwoo's POV)

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Sunwoo had just stepped out of his bedroom to get a snack when a rustling sound caught his attention. He pauses by his doorway trying to figure out what the heck that noise is, but when the sound of a key being inserted into a lock follows it, he knows it has to be you. Excitement zips through him at the thought of seeing you, and he faces the door just in time for you to nearly fall through it. 

His mouth parts as he takes in the scene in front of him. The amount of bags you're carrying is honestly… kind of obnoxious, but he's never really seen you go shopping before, so he knew this was an occasional thing. His eyes scan the bags as you kick off your shoes. He recognizes multiple shops that he's frequented or just because they're wildly popular, but there's one bag in particular that catches his eye.

He makes a joke about the amount of items you bought, but it's far from his mind as it falls from his lips. That pink bag you're now subtly trying to hide is like a beacon for his eyes. The logo of the popular lingerie store across from the mall is elegantly written on the side, and Sunwoo feels himself swallowing. You bought lingerie? For who?

You casually tuck the bag behind some other colorful ones in your grasp and dart for your bedroom. Sunwoo can't help but follow you, eyes glued to the bag like a jewel thief spotting diamonds for the first time. He had to see inside that bag, if only for his own sanity. If he left it up to his imagination, he would surely drive himself mad. 

The way you toss the bags on your bed and slightly move in front of them causes Sunwoo to think that you're attempting to hide the bag from him. Why? Are you embarrassed? Is it a surprise? Is it… not for him? Sunwoo didn't want to think about the last option. He didn't want to entertain the possibility that you had feelings for someone else. 

He asks you to hang out which is what he planned on doing the second you came home anyway. Your response is almost instantaneous, and you move toward him to herd him out of your room. He allows you to shoo him away, but his mind can only stay focused on that damn pink bag - of the possibilities it held.

He has to ask. He has to ask, or it will simply drive him insane. "Did you get anything for me?"

Your eyes widen marginally, but you do your best to play it cool. It doesn't matter, though, because Sunwoo caught your reaction before you let that unconcerned mask slide onto your face. You bought the lingerie for someone. Sunwoo just severely hopes that it's for him, even if he has absolutely no reason to think that it would be. It’s not like you’re interested in him for anything more than friendship. Which is probably a good thing for his health. He might pass away if he ever saw you in anything revealing.

Sunwoo sets up the show and waits for you to come back with snacks. He smiles as he thinks about your love for easily accessible food until he sees you coming around the corner. Curiosity is in your gaze as you watch him, but Sunwoo doesn't know what to make of it, so he faces the TV and readies the remote for when you sit down.

As the show begins to play, Sunwoo attempts to let himself fall into the story, but his mind can only focus on two things: the stupid lingerie bag and the fact that he can feel you glancing at him every so often. Why are you watching him? Are you waiting for him to do something? Are you looking for something? He does his best to keep his face carefully blank - eyes trained on the TV - but his mind is running a thousand miles a minute.

It's when you start fidgeting next to him that Sunwoo no longer has a clue what's going on in the show, and he knows you don't either. What on earth is going on here? Why do you seem so tense? Why have you given up on subtly watching him, and are you now staring a hole into the side of his head?

Sunwoo risks a glance at you from the corner of his eye. When he notes that you're staring at his lips, his breath hitches, but he doesn't think it's loud enough to notice. Hell, you're very nearly in a trance right now anyways. You probably wouldn't notice much of anything.

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