Chapter one!! -told in scotts pov-

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Title warning, within the later parts of the chapter there will be homophobia and transphobia. Along with that there will be slurs due to this being the unfortunate reality of being an openly LGBTQ+ Student.

First day back at school after the new year. Well, let's hope this year isn't as crap as the last two. I get on the bus and put my earphones in. I connect them to my phone and begin to play my play list. The first song to come up is want me by baby queen. The bus journey feels slower then usual. I look out the window only to see clouds in the sky's of the passing areas.

I pause my playlist as the bus comes to a stop outside the hellish place I call school. Sonston boys. My siblings also go here. Well, kind of. My older sister, Lauren goes to Sonston girls. But the schools are practically the same. I pick up my bag and walk off the bus. I throw my bag over my shoulder and see my friends Fwhip and Gem walk over. There talking to Joel. Joel's the kid who is friends with lizzie. It's great she finaly moved the the girls school, but it's kinda sad that she's gone. I wait for the three to get closer before saying hi. I ask what they where talking about. Turns out they where on about if the schools should combined or not. "I mean, come on. They practically are already!" Fwhip says. We all agree as we start to walk into the school. We stop at the gates and wace good bye to Gem. We then head into the school building. We talk for a good while then the school's pa system goes off.

Happy New Year, Sonston boys. Uh, don't forget there'll now be students from all school years in your new form groups. I hope you enjoy getting to know some fresh faces in registration each day.

A grunt arrises from the sea of blue and grey uniforms. I check my tike table to see where my new form class is. Room 215. An English room. Joel heads off to his class and me and fhwip begin to walk to the stairs. "So, your two rooms before me" I say looking at his timetable
"I guess so." He says folding up his paper up and shoving it into his pocket. We get to our respective classes and wave eachother off. I go into my class.

"Oh! If it isn't Scott Eirwen. Happy New Year." My form teacher says
"Hi sir. You two" I reply in a quiter tone
"Come to join the ranks of house cod?" He says
"I guess so" I reply
"Well let's see... ah, your over there next to... James Anahita" he says pointing to the corner "he's a transfer student. Came from the public school" sir chuckles "he has an interest in Figure skating, I'm sure you two will get along amazingly" he says "or you could sit in silence for the rest of the year. It doesn't affect me either way" I shrug it of and head to my seat. I sit down.
"Hi" 'James' says
"Hi..." I reply avoiding eye contact
"Scott right? I'm Jimmy" he says.
"Well... Nice to meet you jimmy" I reply

Throughout the weeks we kept seeing echother in the corridors. We normally would enhance a "hi" and continue on. We didn't talk outside of form. I have no idea where he goes at breaks and lunches. That's none of my concern anyway.

"I did it again" Joel says slamming two bottles of apple juice on the bench.
"Bought Liz's drink again?" I ask
"Didn't you do that yesterday" askes Fwhip
"Yes I did okay?" Joel responds clearly annoyed.
"And Monday" Xor says from the floor "Liz isn't here anymore"
"I know" Joel grunts.
"You've been doing it all week" I say putting his back "it's fine to miss her."
"It's better that she's at an all-girls school. Mr. Johnson was still refusing to call her Lizzie." Joel says
"Yeah." Fwhip replies
"Mr.Johnson's a massive transphobe" I say.
As I say that Jimmy walks past. He was holding a rugby ball.
"Oi, isn't that Jimmy Anahita?" Joel asks
"Yeah" Xor replies
"He looks like a golden retriever!" Fwhip says louder then normal.
"He doesn'-" I reply. The other laugh.
"What are you going to even talk about? He's the god dam rugby king" Joel says.
"We've talked" I said.
"About what may I ask" Joel says.

"Hey umm, have you got a tissue...?" Jimmy asks
"No wh...?" I say looking over at him
"Yeah my pen exploded..." he says. Sir sends us both to the restroom to try and get it of. Well, mostly because He didn't want a blue toilet pass. "It's not coming off!!" Jimmy cries.
"Your going to be blue forever!" I chuckle.
"It looks like I'm wearing blue gloves!!" Jimmy laughs
"You could pretend their blue gloves" I say
"Or a tattoo" he mutters

"Well just be carefull brother" Xor says
"Look at them, then look at us lot" Fwhip says.
"Their the loud popular kids and were the group of borderline outcasts" Joel says.
"They're exactly the type of kids who bullied you last year" Xor mutters
"But Jimmy... he's diffrent. he's nice." I say under my breath.

-epic week time skip-

I head down the stairs of my home. I stop at the bottom to put my shoes on. As I stand back I I see Xoronth standing in front of me. "Morning" they say drinking a cup of ice water.
"Holy hell Xor" I say standing up.
"Why's your face like that?" They say
"I got a 20 minute detention after school for kicking a kid in my math class" I reply
"Was he a knob?" Xor asks.
"Yeah." I reply
"Well done then" Xor says. They walk out the room and into the kitchen. I hear Lauren walk down the corridor. "You two ready. I'm driving you to school today" she says.
"Yeah" me and Xor say in unison.
We climb into the car and Lauren starts to dive off.

After the ride there me and Xor get out. "Later guys" Lauren says before going to park. Me and Xor start a conversation about if our school should have a privet bus. I mean, it's a privet school, they gunna have the dough. We begin to walk through the gates when we are stopped by Harvey and his 'gang'. "Oi, boys, boys, watch this" Harvey yells to his 'mates'. He pushes me and Xoronth back and makes Xor drop the books he was holding. The boys start to laugh. "Oi watch it you dicknozzle" Xor scoffs. I see Jimmy get up an walk over. He helps Xor ick up some of his books. "You allright mate?" Jimmy asks.
"Yeah." Xor scoffs. "Are you seriously friends with these f@gs?!" Harvey yells.
"Classic Harvey, resorting to Homophobia when he cant think of a good comeback" Xor says to me.
"Oi, you got somthing to say then say it to my face" Havey yells
"Alright" Xoronth turns around "you know, i feel sorry for you. Life must be really hard when your only personality trait is rich bell-end." Xor pushes past Harvey. I quickly thank Jimmy and run after him. I hear all of the people near burst out in laughter. "Well this isn't going to end well for us." I mutter.
"That's for future us to worry about" xor says.
"Yeah... future us..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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