The Adventures of the Mischievous Lerp - PART ONE: Purberry

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Lerp saw blue Purberry products on the ground. Lerp got caught on her side. She ate the police next to her, then burped and slurped. Once she ate the police, she died. She burped out the police because it was night but she was still dead. Lerp got robbed when she was dead so she has no money, okay?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! 

Mr. Best came and pooped on a wiper, the smell brought her back to life. He said, "Dear chupacheechapacha,  would you like to join?" 

"No, I'm a drunkaholic." Then, she ate some drunk cookies. 

She made Mr. Best watch people make drunk cookies. She ate those cookies and went to jail. Aliens came to her jail cell *vomit noise* and shot her and dragged her dead body to Mars. They used her dead body to perform a ritual. 

Lerp twerked and twerked and twerked and twerked and twerked and twerked and twerked herself back to life. Then she punched the aliens in the face. 


A/N - Share our book with everyone you know! (no principals or teachers pls or the government of USA pls we are just a couple of kids tryna make some money) We appreciate your effort to read this dumb story till the end! We are probably celebrating right now because we got a view from you. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩If we get some views we will try to reply to your comments as much as possible :) unless we get famous

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