A Beastly Feast At Anima-City

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The Docks

Ogami meets up with Flip "Are the boats ready?"

Flip: We can fit 1000 on the cargo ships I have now, and 5000 on the cruise ship that'll be here in 5 days, but we can lower those numbers, at least with the extra from the church

Ogami: Alright

Flip: If this city disappears, I'll be in trouble as well

???: Well, I never imagined you two would team up
Marie walks up to them "I looked into it, y'know, what that church is up to"

Ogami: I assume Sonic asked you to do that?

Marie's face twitches, but she keeps her composure "I make money by taking action before anyone asks me to. Did you know that the Tanuki Girl is involved with it all?" She starts looking serious "Normally I'd charge you for this kind of info, but today I'll give to ya for free"

Ogami and Flip are shocked at this statement

Marie: She was having a meeting with their leader about the concert, it seems the leader is planning on revealing there that she's a human. She says that it'll help reduce the stress the Beastmen will feel when the drug is ready

Ogami starts looking a little scared "What did you say?

In an abandoned warehouse in Rabbit Town


(Pain filled scream)


(Pain filled shout)


(Groan and heave)

A light shines down upon a beaten up Boris, and Sonic, whose blue fur has darkened, and green eyes now glow a terrifying purple

Sonic: I could do this all day, but I really don't want to! Tell me what you know!

Boris: I won't tell you...
He groans "I swore to the Silver Wolf--"

Sonic: SWEAR TO ME!!!!!
He grabs Boris by the face and shocks him "I've always wanted to say that" He grabs Boris by the throat "We've been at this for a good while now. If you just tell me what you know, I'll put you outta your misery"

Boris spits on the ground "You demon rat! Have you no shame?! Don't you wish for the Silver Light to--"

Sonic grabs his mouth "I'm not a rat!" He punches him "I'm a Hedgehog. I tried being nice, but since you don't wanna speak in the name of the Silver Wolf" he grabs the chair and drags Boris away "I'll have to baptize you like a Christian"

Boris starts struggling in his binds as Sonic brings him to a tub of water

Sonic: You're always droning on about sharing the word of a god. Now's the time to drown on it

Boris: I YIELD!!! I yield! I'll tell you anything

Sonic: I don't want you to tell me anything...
He sets the chair down and glares into Boris' soul "I want to know EVERYTHING!!!"

At Marie's apartment

Cream sits on the couch, watching tv

Marie walks in "How you doin, kid?"

Cream lowers her head with a sad look on her face

Marie: You miss him, huh?

Cream nods

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