It's Been A Minute

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OK... Imma keep it a stack with y'all. I had like three and a half chapters ready for upload. The reason I never uploaded them is due to the following

1: I was busy with other stories that I wanted to focus on. The Omniversal Generation story, a Bleach OC Story that I admittedly rushed, but am now polishing, so expect that sometime soon, and lastly, some other stories that I made, but probably won't release cause they ain't really goin nowhere

2: I kinda lost interest in this story, and I haven't touched it since March. Granted, I planned on taking a break from this story anyway, but until recently, I never thought I'd touch this story again

HOWEVER!!! I've gotten into a Sonic mood as of late, what with news about Sonic Prime PT 3. Plus I've been playing Team Sonic Racing recently since I've had it in my PlayStation storage since it was added to the list of monthly free PS+ games, which was... months, if not a year ago. Fun game btw, and the AI are actually challenging unlike in every other game I've ever played. AND WE GOT THE THIRD SONIC MOVIE ON THE HORIZON WITH A SNEAK PEEK OF SHADOW?!?! Oh, yuh! It's up! All that somehow came together into the urge to bring this story back

Although, I've since deleted some of those chapters cause they were not working no matter what I did. That's another reason I haven't uploaded anything, cause what I was tryna do wasn't working

Now, you may be wondering "But, Crow, you've already done the story of the BNA anime, and as you've said, things haven't been working. What could you be trying to do?"

Well, since there are people actually into this story, and someone DMed me personally to ask if I was continuing this story or not, I'll tell ya. The next few chapters will be prologues adapted from the first Sonic movie. They'll tell the story of Maurice's transformation into the Blue Blur, and how he got to Anima-City. I can't guarantee it'll be necessarily... good, but I'm doing the best I can with it

After that, I think Imma adapt to Sonic Adventure. I THINK!!! This is subject to change, but this may be where we're headed. Not sure what Imma do after that though

My original plan was to follow the Sonic Cinematic Universe, but as I'm now thinking about it, things probably won't be that simple. Some things probably won't make that much sense, and will likely be done sloppily, and I don't want that because I'm not a businessman treating the things I put my hands on like something out of a casino. Honestly, the way I did this story was silly and odd as is, even for the standards of the anime

I still wanna continue to adapt the SCU, but I may also bring the games into it which was probably inevitable no matter how I look at it. Might bring the BNA manga in for some slice of life stuff as well. Keyword: Might

Expect To See More In 2024

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