"It's right next to yours," he said, leaving my room. I followed him back to the living room. He pointed at dark cherry doors, and with a strict face of his stated: "Pete, please do not enter this room. I know saying this would only boost your curiosity, but can you please leave your curiosity in your room?"

I just looked speechless and nodded, "so the other door" and I pointed a finger on the next door on my left "is .. is this your room?" I asked with a stuttering voice.

"Yeah, that's my room, you want to see it?" Vegas asked.

"Noo, there is no need, but just to confirm it, if I will need you and I will not be able to reach you even via phone, can I just enter your room to check if you are there and alive?" I asked with blushing in my face.

"Well, you can, I don't see a problem in that, just please make sure that you will not enter that room. Just bear in mind that it is the only room here that is locked and only I have a key." Confirmed Vegas and of course he did not forget to mention that damn room again.

Shiaaaaaa why is he doing this to me? My curiosity is on another level thanks to him. Buried in my thoughts I heard a weird noise in the living room, so I had to stop talking to myself and just followed the noise.

"Awwwwwww no way! You have a hedgehog here? Oiiiiii he is soooo cute, can I pet him?" I almost ran to that little cage of his with a huge smile on my face, whilst Vegas lazilly follows me and without a word just confirms that I can pet him if I want.

I did not hesitate even for a second, I opened the cage and slowly approached him. Shiaaaaaa this is the cutest thing I saw today.

I was smiling broadly with this hedgehog in my hands. "Hey Vegas, what's his name?"

"I don't know, I have never named a pet when I had one." replied with no hint of emotions in his voice.

SHIT that is something, shivers are running down my spine.. and now they are not the good ones like I had earlier. Such a coldness, I did not expect it at all. Nevermind, I just said to myself, and started to focus back on the hedgehog.

"Hey little one", I kept talking to that hedgehog "I'll name you Jimmy". "I hope you would not mind it Vegas." I asked him hurriedly.

Vegas did not bother to answer my question, so I just quickly patted his small head and put him back in his cage.

Suddenly my phone rang and disturbed this weird silenced atmosphere that was running around us.

"Hey grandma, something happened? I answered the phone.

"Nothing Pete, just want to know if you will be coming back anytime soon, as we have agreed on the exact time if you do not remember. And I really don't want to wait anymore. My dinner is getting cold!" grandma shouted to the phone and I almost went deaf.

"Sorry nana, I'll be home shortly, just took Porsche and Chay home, you don't have to wait for me with dinner, I'll cook something myself once I will get home." I had to answer with guilt in my voice, otherwise she would not let me go that easy.

"Whatever suits you. Just hurry up!" and she hung up.

Vegas looked at me with understanding in his eyes.

"Sorry Vegas, gotta go." Without waiting for his answer I quickly left the place that will be my new home soon.


Pete parked his car right next to the building, we got out of his car and he followed me inside. He was watching everything I have done, even this simple thing like unlocking the door with an 8-digit code.

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