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This is the twenty-first chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Over 1600 views! I don't own any characters expect Garth, and Lily, and in a way, Jeff Wagner.

Garth followed Johnny and Ben up the stairs to the exit. "We need to get to the roof. It should be here by now." Reed spoke, carrying the Surfur. "What should be here?" Ben asked, but Reed didn't answer. They then reached the top of the stairs and Ben opened the door. Garth stepped out into the snowy cold after him and Johnny, and then heard a strange whirring sound coming from somewhere to the their left. He looked, and his eyes and mouth widened and gaped open upon seeing a grey flat object come down from the sky and fly towards them. As it got closer, Garth realised it was their ride, kept up/propelled by large fans in the bottom and had three separate seating compartments, able to seat 5 people. "Holy crap!" Ben said amazed. "Reed." Garth heard Johnny mutter, before Garth then looked at Reed. "That thing flew all the way from New York to here in just a few minutes, eh?" Garth asked Reed in wonder. "This is by far the coolest thing you have ever done." Johnny spoke as Garth followed Ben and Johnny again along a gangway towards the vehicle, which was assuming position by the platform end of the it. The group then went up the platform, Johnny looking down at the front of it. "Hemi?" Johnny asked Reed, looking at him. "Of course." Reed nodded. "Okay, Ben, you get inside. Johnny, you fly behind us." Reed ordered. "Oh, dude, you've gotta let me fly this thing." Johnny begged. "Forget about it. I'm the best pilot here. I should drive." Ben said back. Garth then rolled his eyes as they were getting into another argument. "Seriously? Now?! We don't have time for this!" He thought in his head. "Guys." Sus spoke, but they ignored her. "Are you serious? Your lucky if it can carry you." Johnny said at Ben. "I can fly circles around you." Ben said back. "Guys!" Sue said again, a bit more loudly, but the result were still the same. Arguing. At this point Garth have had enough. Johnny said himself, the world is literally at stake, and it now seemed they were the Earth's last hope, and they were wasting their precious time arguing about small things. An image of Lily then popped up in his head, his gut then worried hed let her down. So he decided to do something he'd never really done before: show some backbone, and make an executive decision. "SHUT UP!! ENOUGH!! BOTH OF YOU!!" He yelled out loud, making everyone minus the Surfur, stop talking and look at him in surprise. "I'm giving the orders this time. Reed, your driving! Johnny, since you can fly, you fly behind us! Now MOVE IT!" He ordered.

And with that, without a word, everyone except Johnny got onboard the vehicle, Reed the in front seat/compartment, Sue (the left seat), Garth (in the centre seat), and the Surfur (in the right seat) in the second compartment, and Ben in the rear compartment, and they were given headsets to communicate between them. Johnny stood on the platform, while they took off. Once they were strapped in, they took off, Johnny flying up a few moments later. And with that, they both took to the sky. Garth, (his dislike of flying kicking in) held his seatbelts straps tightly with both hands, his shoulders tensed up, his mouth/teeth gritted, and eyes narrowed with nerves. "Okay. We're now officially enemies of the United States of America. Victor is out there somewhere with unlimited power. And we've got a giant intergalactic forcethats about to destroy our planet in less than 24 hours. Did I miss anything?" Ben asked. "No, you did not, Ben!" Garth cried, his voice tense from nerves. "I've got a lock on Victor's energy trail. He's headed over Southeast China. Hang on." Reed announced, Garth  didn't need to be told twice, hoping they could get there quickly so the flight would end. "Norrin Radd." The Surfur then spoke. Garth's nerves then suddenly disappeared suddenly as he turned his head rightwards to face him. "What?" Sue and Garth both asked at the same time. "I was once called Norrin Radd." The Surfur answered. "Norrin, we're gonna need your help to save our world. Do you understand?" Sue then asked him, then he turned his head leftwards to them, and he gave a slight nod. A few seconds later, they were suddenly impacted by something that make them move sidewards (Garth screamed and closed his eyes) and a bit, before they were straightened out. "What the hell was that?" Ben asked, but to Garth (as he opened his eyes) it was obvious. Victor was there. He then looked leftwards/upwards to see Victor flying towards them on the Board in his old metal Doom mask, wearing dark grey armour, a grey cape on his back. "Victor, the board is drawing the Destroyer here. You have to give it up." Reed begged, but Garth felt that by this point, Victor had gone too far. "You know I've never been the giving type, Reed." Victor replied, confirming Garth's feelings, as Victor moved his right arm to strike. "Hold on!" Reed cried, as he piloted them down to the river below. After a few seconds, Garth then saw a beam shoot down off their right side below, before he heard a loud splashing sound coming from behind them. Clearly Victor was firing his newfound power at them. "We're sitting ducks!" Ben cried out. "We're gonna have to split up!" Reed suddenly announced, which made Garth eyes widen. "Wait, what?!" He cried out. "What?" Sue asked as well, after him. "This ought be fun!" Ben said. "Stay close to me, Sue!" Reed ordered, as Garth held onto his butt.

Suddenly the Vehicle broke into three, all flying now. Garth brought his legs together and tightened his grip on his seatbelt straps. He closed his eyes as he felt them flying round and round. He began breathing heavily as he heard the sounds of rocks falling all around, but didn't open look. He heard nothing but the wind and the engines for a few seconds until he heard the sounds of rocks crumbling again. "He's really pissing me off!" He heard Sue cry out. A few seconds later, felt them jolt suddenly to the left, making him yelp as they did. "Victor, only the Surfur can stop the Destroyer. But he needs his board." He heard Reed say over the headset, but he knew what wouldn't work. A few seconds later, they levelled out and opened his eyes, then moved his head around his to the right to see Victor behind them, Johnny to the rear, Reed to their right, and he assumed Ben was to their left. "Let's all go for a spin!" He heard Victor say, before he began spinning around and around, which suddenly caused them to fly around out of control as if they were in a tornado, making Garth slam his eyes shut and scream again. He screamed all the way through their wild, flying, and spinning ride, his body jolting from some sort of impact, probably a building judging by the sound. He jolted again when he felt they hit the ground, moving around on it for a few seconds before they came to a stop with a CRASH! and another jolt. Garth panted a bit before he then finally released his hands from his seatbelt strap and opened his eyes. He turned leftwards to see Sue wake up. "You all right?" He asked her. "Yeah." She replied before her eyes widened, her view looking away from Garth. He turned his rightwards to see the Surfur was on his feet looking around. Garth saw the Surfur was staring upwards, looked in that direction and saw Victor heading towards it, creating a sharp metal javelin like stick in his right hand. "Norrin!" He heard Sue shout as his eyes widened and he started getting his seatbelt off. But as he started' Sue was on her feet first and ran off towards the Surfur. When he finally got his seatbelt off, he got up on his feet and ran after Sue. Since he was the one that could heal, he knew he should be the one stopping that stick, not Sue. But once he started running, he saw Victor throw the stick at the Surfur, but Sue beat him to it, even though she made a shield with her hands, the stick went through it and struck her!

Garth put his furry hands on the front of his muzzle mouth, his eyes wide, as Sue looked at the stick protruding through her body, and the shield came down. "SUE!" He heard Reed shout to his fiancé, who then fell to the ground. Reed came up to her, Be behind him, and after that, Johnny landed down, Garth walking up to her on her left, his eyes on Sue displaying sadness. "Oh, my God." He said as he landed. "Sue. Sue." Reed spoke, kneeling down to her. "Johnny, don't touch her!" He heard Ben say. About two seconds later, the stick disappeared, but her wounds were still there, as she fell on her back. "Oh, God. Oh, God." Reed muttered. "You need to find a way to get the board." Sue said, painfully. "Sue, I..." Reed began saying before Sue interrupted. "Okay." Sue said softly, a moment later loudly rumblings sounds came up from the shy, so Garth looked upwards and turned his body to the right, and saw the whole sky covered in strange grey clouds, all a single entintity, the cloud cover going as far as the eye could see, with white flashes in it. "He is here." The Surfur announced. Galactus had come.

Ben placed his right hand on Reed's right shoulder. "Reed? Reed." He said, getting his attention. "It's now or never." Garth spoke, staring down at Reed, as they had to get the board now, otherwise it'd be too late. "Victor's gotta have a pulse emitted linking him to his board. We take it out, we can separate him from his board." Reed explained. "He's too strong for me." Johnny admitted. "I think he's too strong for any of us." Garth pointed out. "I could whale on him if I could get close enough, but he could several me come from a mile away." Ben spoke. "It would take all of us." Reed said. "Or maybe just one of us." Johnny then spoke, which made Garth look at him, his eyes widened a little in surprise and worry. "Are you thinking what I think your thinking?" Garth asked rhetorically. "We don't know what it could do to you." Reed warned, and Garth nodded his head in agreement. Just having one power switched was hard enough for Johnny, but to Hall more than one, well, that would be a different story. "Let's not make this about me." Johnny said, willing to take the risk, and having made up his mind. Garth looked at Ben, who nodded at Johnny, then looked at Reed, who nodded at Johnny, when when he and Johnny looked at each other, he narrowed his eyes and nodded as well. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures. "Make it quick, please, because I have gotten used to this, eh. And I don't know if I suddenly lose my power, something bad will happen to me." Garth said, muttering the last sentence, fearing a return of his lung cancer, as he knelt down behind Sues bent lower body, moved his left arm out and grabbed Reed's left hand, then Johnny touched the combination, and second later, a bright while light shined from the contact.

And that's the twenty-first chapter done! Hope you enjoyed it! PLEASE message or comment ideas/suggestions where Garth's power could be used during Johnny's fight against Victor. Make it quick, as I start writing the next chapter next week! Btw, this story is nearly finished!

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