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This is the twenty and first chapter of 2022! Happy new year! And the start of "Rise of the Silver Surfer" part. Hope you like it. Sorry for the wait.

A few months later...

The Fantastic Five have taken their duties as superheroes very seriously, helping out around the world. However, that was kind of getting in the way of a Reed and Sue's wedding, causing it to be cancelled several times. Garth was beginning to worry that thier relationship might get in the way of thier responsibility's in the team. Garth and Ben had embraced and acceptances thier changes, and it soon felt normal for them. Garth had as grown in confidence, and also was no longer afraid to open his mouth, like he had with his disease. He and Lily had also been getting close as well, and doing their relationship at a pace that they both agreed to.

Garth (wearing dark blue jeans, trainers, and a dark red shirt and a green cap on his head) stood up from his seat at an airport, his rucksack staying by his seat, walked a few steps forward, looking leftwards/upwards, his eyes glued to the TV, which showed the news, talking strange things happening all over the world. Electrical blackouts all over the Western United States, Suruga bay in Japan going solid, snow at the Pyramids! Then it started to talk about Reed and Sue's wedding, which after several cancellations, had been placed to the weekend. "Unbelievable. Bizarre anomalies have been occurring all over the world, defying every known law of physics, and all the media want to know about is what China pattern you and I picked out." He heard Reed mutter to his left, then he turned to head to see him with a newspaper and Sue by his side, then moved a step or two closer to them. "Yeah, i mean, really guys, we really could've done it without all this publicity. Their treating you and this wedding like your royalty or something, eh?" Garth said. "Which ones did you pick? The blue ones with them flowers? I actually like them." Ben said as he came over to them, but a women coming up to him the got his attention. "It's happening again, isn't it?" Sue asked, a hint of sadness in her voice, which made Reed turn to look at her. "No. We're not postponing anything, not this time. This is gonna be the wedding you've always dreamed of. And I'm not gonna let anything get in the way of that not even the mysterious transformation of matter at the subatomic level." Reed said to his fiancé, the last sentence made Garth smirk. "That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me." Sue said with a smile, before they both moved their heads in to kiss. "Which is really pathetic, when you think about it." Johnny said with a smile just after they touched lips. Then an airport employee then came up to them. "Dr Richards, I'm very sorry, but it seems we're overbooked. We do have seats available in coach though." The employee said to Reed. Garth then heard a woman's voice then Ben's, so he turned around and saw Ben lift up a pair of boys up with his arms, before their mother took a picture. "That should be fine." He then heard Reed spoke.

A few minute later, they were on the plane and getting to their seats. Ben had to ask someone to move to sit down,and Garth, as he took of his cap off his head, saw Reed place his briefcase in the opposite overhead locker, by extending his right arm. Garth rolled his eyes and smirked seeing the woman using the locker (who knelt down while Reed put in his bag) look around in confusion. Garth then found his window seat and sat down, putting his rucksack under his seat. "What do you guys think about getting an endorsement from an airline? Get us a private jet?" Johnny then asked. "I think we have enough endorsement deals." Sue replied, which made Johnny chuckle. "That is funny. Seriously, Reed, it can help you subsidize all your little inventions." Johnny said. "Johnny, I think a private would not play too well with the average Joe. Just because we're superheroes doesn't mean we have to act like millionaires. Or fly like them." Garth said as he fastened his seat belt a little tensely. He wasn't a big fan of flying. "No, thanks." Reed replied after closing a overhead locker. A woman then asked Johnny 'excuse me' but when Johnnny faced her she smiled. "Consider it. Talk to you guys later." Johnny spoke, before then started walking down the aisle. "Where are you going? Sue asked, which made Johnny turn around. "I don't fly coach." Johnny answered, doing a 'not sure' gesture before he continued walking. Soon they were in the air, and Garth was eating nuts and pretzels to help came himself. He then saw something familiar in the corner of his eye, looked leftwards to see Johnny flying by the side of the plane, moving to Ben's window. "Show off." He scoffed, noticing Ben close his window panel. "I hope it rains." He heard Ben say, and, though he didn't wanna admit it, what just happened had calmed him down. 

Soon, they were back in New York and at the Baxter Building, which had been extensively remodelled, the top section now their Fantastic Five facility, the roof arranged in a 5 shape. Garth stood by a desk, looking through the wedding guest list, placing one paper on the desk, one after the other, noticing many of the guests were to be a lot of New York's elite. "Hey, Garth. Look what just arrived." He heard Johnny say, then he looked leftwards to see Johnny holding a Fantastic Five uniform, but this one had a load of business brands all over it. "New uniforms, huh? What do you think?" Johnny asked him, as Garth gave him an 'are you serious' look. "No. No way. There is no way I'm wearing that!" Garth answered, his voice full of refusal as he shook his head. "Oh, come on! It's nice!" Johnny said back. "I'm not becoming a walking advertisement board." Garth said back. "You know what? Reed and Sue will put some sense into you." Johnny said as he then walked down the hallway towards the very modern looking lab, Garth then followed him. "Hey, guys. New uniforms just showed up. What do you think?" Johnny asked, as he and Garth found Sue and Reed. The looks on their faces when they saw the uniform showed what they thought. "I think there no way we're wearing that, Johnny." Sue said with disgust as she walked out. "They'll knock some sense into me, huh, Johnny?" Garth asked sarcastically with his arms folded. "What have you got against capitalism?!" Johnny cried out after her. He then turned around to face Reed, the moved a few feet to look at a stange metal thing underneath a white cover. "What's this?" Johnny asked. "Just a little hobbit of mine." Reed answered, Garth, as he walked past Reed and near Johnny, seeing him staring at his new PDA. "Yeah? Would it make a good toy, or is it something science-y?" Johnny asked, touching his left hand on the surface, before moving the white cover a little bit.   "A little of both." Reed answered, before saying 'uh-uh', which made Johnny stop touching the cover. 

Garth and Johnny then looked at how Reeds fingers were typing on his PDA, and he was also elastic-ly moving his fingers to type. "You know, I've always been both impressed, and disgusted by that." Johnny remarked, which made Garth node in agreement. "Sue says I'm addicted to it." Reed replied with a wink as he walked out. "I wonder why she'd say that." Johnny spoke, as Garth's followed Reed out of the lab area. "Hey, Johnny. Garth. Keep it quiet, but, uh, I've been cross referenced and analysed the global disturbances. They're being caused by cosmic radiation, not unlike the kind which gave us our powers." Reed said, as he sat down by a computer in the main area in front of a large screen which then showed a map of space. "That's interesting." Garth said, staring at the screen, in between Reed and Johnny. "Wow, that really boring." Johnny muttered as he sat down in a chair opposite Reed. "Listen, I have a very important wedding issue we need to talk to you about." Johnny added, before making the chair move towards Reed's. "Yeah, of course." Reed replied as Johnny stopped on his right, Garth also turning leftwards to face them. "Your bachelor party." Johnny grinned, Garth also grinning, which made Reed turn to look at him with a surprised look on his face. "No. Seriously, Johnny." Reed said, before he moved away from Johnny. "John. Focus testing showed that Johnny skewed a little young." Johnny replied, as Reed stopped.  "Seriously, Johnny, no bachelor party. It's just not my kind of thing." Reed insistent before Johnny moved his chair over to Reed's left again, with Garth stepping over to them. He actually felt a bachelor party was probadly what they needed for the wedding, especially after all the hard work Reed's been doing. "Then do it for Ben. It means a lot to the big guy. Your gonna break his heart. He does have some sort of rocklike heart, doesn't he?" Johnny then asked as Reed moved back over to the computer. "For once, I agree with you, Johnny. Your seriously not gonna have a party during your last few hours as a single person?" Garth then asked. "I've got too much to do before the wedding. Frankly, I think Sue might have a problem with it." Reed said, as Johnny moved his to over to him again, and Garth came over and knelt down on Johnny's left, facing Reed. "You know what Sue would have a problem with? If somebody told her that you were actually investigating global disturbances and cosmic radiation instead of actually focusing on the wedding, like you promised." Johnny explained, more like blackmailed, who moved his chair away from Johnny. "Or somebodies, eh?" Garth asked with a cheeky grin, scratching a bit of the right hand side of his muzzle with his right index finger. Realising he's caught in a net, Reed then moved back over to them, with a smile. "A bachelor party could be fun." Reed conceded. "Yes!" Johnny cheered, moving his hands in fists up in a cheerful gesture, while Garth smiled. "But no exotic dancers." Reed requested.

And that's the twelfth chapter done! Hope you enjoyed it! Sorry if the quality is a bit down. I'm just somehow not feeling as creative in my mind at the moment, but I hope it's still good enough. Not sure when the next chapter will be out, so wait and see.

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