Switch powers

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This is the fifteenth chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Over 800 views, wow! Btw, I decided to put Jeff Wagner played by Kenneth Walsh in this story, and everything he says will be from my mind. 

I don't own any characters besides Garth, Lily, and now Jeff Wagner.

Happy Easter!


Johnny had returned... unsuccessful. The silver flying thing has beaten him up, and, he claimed, took up into space and dropped him back down, landing in a desert! Johnny now sat down on the stairs in the lab, General Hager, and the others were listening in. A white hair man wearing a green jacket over a blue dress shirt and grey trousers stood close to Hager. Reed had mention to Garth the man was the Professor Jeff Wagner he mentioned the other night.

 Reed had mention to Garth the man was the Professor Jeff Wagner he mentioned the other night

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Garth stood in between Hager's two aids. Strangely, the sensor Garth and Ben had seen Reed work on earlier behind Johnny was now mostly a pile of melted metal. Garth still wore his black trousers, but now wore a blue polo shirt. 

"It looked like a man, but completely covered in silver, and it was flying this, like, like a surfboard type thing. I know it sounds crazy." Johnny described what he'd seen. "Oh, no, not at all. So, did you follow the shiny man to lollipop land or the rainbow junction?" Ben said sarcastically, which made Garth grin, as Sue gave Johnny a drink and sat down besides him. "Look, I know what I saw." Johnny replied, Garth noting a hint of seriousness in his voice. "Yeah, right. Coming from the man who messes around with girls all the time." Wagner mentioned. "Thank you. It's all right, Johnny." Reed spoke, holding his right hand and arm out. "Whatever this things physical appearance is, it has the ability to convert matter and energy." Reed added. "So it caused the anomalies?" Hager aske, before Reed shook his face slightly and moved his eyebrows in an unsure way, before he turned to face Hager. "It seems radiate cosmic energy when it exerts itsel, randomly affecting matter. Evidently, this, this... Silver Surfer... didn't want to be detected. It destroyed the sensor." Reed explained. "It knew it was being monitored?" Sue asked curiously. "And traced it back here. We're dealing with something highly resourceful." Reed added/answered. "And, clearly, highly intelligent." Garth added. "Obviously this thing operates outside all our laws of science." Wagner reminded them. Johnny then sighed loudly and slowly got up his, in a way like he was injured, which Reed and said he wasn't when he checked him up. "Are you feeling okay?" Sue, still sitting down, asked her brother. "Yeah. Just... gotta walk this off." Johnny replied, before he started to walk out the of lab. Sue then got up on her feet and went after him, Garth turning around and going after them a few seconds later. "We have to destroy this thing before it attacks again. Richards, find me another way to track it." "A way that it cannot get around so easily." Garth heard Hager's and Wagner's voice's say behind him as he left. Somehow he felt the now dubbed 'Silver Surfer' it wasn't really 'attacking', as nothing had been destroyed nor anyone killed, it was more like causing a lot of trouble and disturbances.

A minute or two later, in the street, outside the Baxter Building, Garth followed Sue (on her rear right) towards Johnny, who had fallen down the building in front of his room's window in flames! "Johnny? Johnny, are you okay?" Sue asked him, as he was leaning against a lamppost. "I don't know. I've been feeling really strange since my run-in with surfer boy." Johnny replied. "Maybe we should get Reed to run some tests, eh?" Garth spoke. "Garth's right, maybe we should get you checked out." Sue said as she placed her right hand on Johnny's forehead. The moment of contact, Sue's hand glowed orange, which then send an orange beam like pulse all around her body, and as she pulled her hand away from him, her arms gave flames. "Why did you do that?!" She cried, as Garth took a few steps away from them. "I didn't do anything!" Johnny replied, as her feet gave flames, and in less than a second, her whole body was covered in flames, her clothes having been burned, Garth's eyes widening in shock, yet somehow noticing something familiar about this. "Stop, drop and roll! Stop, drop and roll!" Johnny yelled as Sue moved her body frantically,. Sue's movement then suddenly made her fly upwards, doing a roll over after launch!  "Oh, my God! Sue, just..." Johnny said as She kept going up, spinning around and screaming, Garth (as he moved his head upwards) realised that's what Johnny does, body in flames and fly. "Just hang on! I'll get you, okay? Flame on!" Johnny cried, saying his thing, but as he clenched his hands into fists, he suddenly turned disappeared! Garth turned his head leftwards/downwards to see where he's been, and a second later, a woman tripped, and he heard Johnny's voice say 'Hey, watch it', before two more man tripped in the same area, Garth now put the pieces together: somehow Sue and Johnny had switched thier powers with each other! Garth looked upwards again to see Sue move upwards and stop in front of a window, and after a good few seconds, she fell down towards the ground. Luckily, she stopped a few feet above the ground, but by then a crowd had gathered around the area, filing her, obviously thinking she was Johnny, and from what Garth (standing still looking at her) heard around him, they did. "I'm not Johnny!" Sue cried as Reed came in front and below of her. "Sue, how did this happen?" Reed asked, waving his arms. "I touched Johnny, and then this!" She answered. "Well, where is Johnny?" Reed asked, waving his arms again. "Here." Garth heard Johnny's voice from behind Reed, who turned around. "Try it again." Reed spoke, and a few seconds later, a bit of Sues lifetime arms shined, and Johnny's hand/arm, followed by his whole body apprehend beneath her, and Sue's body went out and she landed on the ground, naked! Garth immediately then stepped forwards, towards where Sue laid and holds him arms out at the photographers and people who were taking pictures of Sue. "All right, all right, that's enough already, break it up, break it up!" Garth cried as he waved his arms in front of him at the people, making them stop. Reed then came up to Garth's right. "Sue, your clothes." He muttered loud enough for her to hear him, and a quick look and she turned herself invisible. "Why does this always happens to me?" She asked rhetorically sadly. 

A few minutes later, they were all in the lab, Reed and Garth looking in microscopes. Since there was a bit of biology involved, Garth was helpful in this case. "You see the same thing I'm seeing?" He heard Reed ask as he looked into the lens. "Yeah." Garth answered. "All of Sues results are normal, but Johnny's..." Reed explained as he looked up. "Johnnys are what?" Garth heard Johnny ask, before he then looked up and stared at Johnny. "Your encounter with the Silver Surfer has had some sort of effect on your molecules." Garth explained. "Basically, their in a state of constant fluxuation." Reed added. Johnny looked away then back at them. "Well, it did cause to switch powers with Sue through touch." Garth answered. "Ideally, I'd like to run some more tests..." Reed said before Ben put down his drink and moved towards Johnny. "Want a volunteer?" Ben asked, interrupting him, and, in Garth's mind, shocking him. Upon hearing Ben say that, Garth shot up out of his seat with his mouth taped open. "No, no, hey!" Johnny cried out as Ben stepped towards him, moving in a flinching reacting way. Reed stop up and held out his out hand/arm. "No, no, no, no!" Sue cried out as well with her arm held out. "No, no, hey! This is serious!" Johnny yelled to ben, who stood right in front of him. Ben then turned around to face Reed. "I just wanted to give him a hug." Ben said innocently. Garth scoffed. "So not buying it." Garth thought in his head. "We don't know the extent of his condition yet." Sue warned him. "It could be progressive. It could be degenerative." Reed added, moving his left hand with a pen in it up and downwards. "It could be fun." Ben replied before turning to face Johnny. "Fun?!" Garth yelled incredulously as Ben touched Johnny's left shoulder. The orange thing Garth saw earlier then happened to Ben. "No, Ben!" Reed yelled out. "Ben!" Sue added as Ben then stumbled backwards a few feet and Garth saw something he'd never thought he'd see again: Ben in his normal human form!!! "Hey. Hey, it's me! I'm back!" Ben cried out  in his old voice happily, not noticing there was holes in his jersey, some of which were on fire. He then looked leftwards/ downwards at a burning hole and patted it out with his right hand. 

Garth then turned to face Johnny and what he saw made his eyes widen: Johnny was now covered in slightly darker orange stone, and he still had his hair and ears. He felt his right forearm with his left hand, before replidyly grabbing a shiny metal cup from the table side to his left, held it upside down with both hands, looked at the bottom to see his reflection. "Oh, my god!" He yelled out before looking upwards at Ben. "Come on! We just said this is serious! He yelled at Ben. "Oh, yeah, serious." Ben mumbled sarcastically before laughing. "Hey, you kept your ears!" Garth pointed out as he pointed his left index finger at Johnny, as he couldn't help but grin and then started laughing as well. Johnny looked at his reflection again. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me!" He yelled out, thrashing around a little bit while Garth and Ben kept laughing. "Watch out, ladies, Johnny Storm is now the new Thing, Ben Grimm is now Human Torch!" Garth laughed sarcastically. "Incredible." Reed spoke, now standing in front of Johnny. "Reed, you better be able to fix this." Johnny demanded, pointing his right index finger at Reed. "I'm right on it." Reed simple replied as Garth stopped laughing. Suddenly a ball of flame was shot right into Johnny's face, which made him stumble back, and Reed moved away from him, while Garth turned around to look at Ben. "Ben, stop it!" Sue ordered. "Right now!" Garth added sternly. "Staring to see why you like that. Ha!" Ben said happily, ignoring them, before Johnny then lazy chef himself at him. "Oh, No, no,no ,no no." Ben said as Johnny then touched him with his left hand, the orange happened again, and in around two seconds, Johnny was no longer Rocky and Ben was again. "Oh, crap." He grumbled in his deep voice again. "That's not funny. What am I supposed to do in the meantime?" Johnny asked Reed. "Just uh, try to keep your distance from us." Reed answered. "And avoid physical contact with us. No touching. And that goes for all of us. Until we find a way to fix this, no touching Johnny." Garth added, both his index fingers out and he held his forearms up and moved them up and down slightly, turning to face the others. Johnny then turned and headed out of the lab. "You and me gonna be spending a whole lot of time together, pal!" Ben said after him with a chuckle.

And that's the fifth teen chapter done! Hope you enjoyed it. And like I said at the top, I decided to include and make up the character of Jeff Wagner, voiced by actor Kenneth Walsh, who was mentioned in the cast, but didn't appear, so anything he says is my originality. No sure when the next chapter is out, so be patient. And again, happy Easter!

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