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This is the eleventh chapter and the last one of 2021! Hope you enjoy it, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Sometime later...

Garth (wearing a white t-shirt, white and black striped shirt and black trousers) leaned his body with his right forearm on/against a small round table in the corner of the bar of a boat that he, the rest of the now official "Fantastic Five", and several guests, were having a 'thank you' party. He then started drinking beer from the glass he held in his left hand. He'd never been a big drinker, not liking the health effect, drunkenness and what alcohol does to the liver, but now that he had his powers, he'd now decided to let go of the restraints. "Let me guess. You're the one that invited me." He heard a familiar female voice say from behind him, so he put his glass down on the table and turned leftwards to see Lily. She wore a blue skirt, black heels, and a red long sleeved shirt. "That I am." Garth smiled, as Lily then sat down in the chair to his left and looked at him. "By the way, thank for what you said to me the other night. Made me realise a few things. So thank you." Garth said to her. "So... you don't want to be cured now?" Lily asked, though it was pretty obvious now. "Nah. I'm alive, that's a cure." Garth shock his head. "Pretty grave thing you did back there in the fire." Lily spoke. "Yeah, well, with the people in danger, we had to do something to stop Von Doom, so had to do what I had to do, eh?" Garth asked rhetorically, holding both his hands out to his sides. 

Then he placed his hands on the table before him, and leaned forwards slightly. "Say, I've been thinking what you also said to me. About the whole girl thing. Really hard. And, well... I like you, Lily. We're both different, but yet accept it, don't let it get in our way. And it makes you beautiful. Your hair, your eyes. Especially your eyes, eh? So, uh.... will you be my girlfriend?" Garth asked, his mouth opened by the edges, his eyelids closed a tiny bit, indicating his nervousness. At first, Lily gasped with her mouth wide open, which then turned into a wide smile. "Yes!" She cried and then got up and leaned over the table and hugged Garth. Garth chuckled at first, then moved his arms to hug her as well. A few seconds later, they got out of the hug and made eye contact. Garth then gestured by moving his head to the left a bit, then led Lily into the crowd of guests, his right hand holding her left hand. "Hey, I've been crunching the numbers on the machine, and if I could rework the power..." he heard Reed say to Ben as he and her walked towards them. "Forget about it, egghead. I'm good as is." Ben replied, which made Garth proud of him. "Yeah. I so am good as is." Garth spoke, which made them turn their heads to look at him (Ben right, Reed left). "Better than good, baby." They heard a girls voice say, and all looked to see Sue leading a black woman towards them. "You must be the famous Alicia." Garth said to her, Ben having told him about her, then turned his head rigthwards to face Lily. "She's blind." He mouthed, pointing at his eyes with his right fingers. Lily nodded. They then looked ahead at the others to see Ben clink his metal gals with Alica's only for it to break. "You just need to work on your touch." She said, feeling his chest with her right hand. "Mm, I like the sound of that." Ben growled happily, then they both laughed. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Reed then asked Sue. "Sure." Sue answered, before she then head towards the door to the balcony outside. Reed then loooked at Ben and Garth, who moved to Ben's right. Garth then moved/gestured his head rigthwards, in Sue's direction. "Thanks." Reed whispered, Garth not sure who he said that to, but  felt it didn't matter.

A few minutes later, Garth, his right arm over Lily's shoulder, looked through the open balcony doors, along with everyone else, to see Reed and Sue proposing and then kissing. "Aw. She's kissin him." Ben spoke, which made Alicia laugh, and several other people started congratulating them. "Hey, no more wisecracks about the way I look." Garth heard Ben say, presumable to Johnny, so he turned his head leftwards to see them. "Hey, call me Mr Sensitivity." He head Johnny whisper to him, then started to walk forwards towards the door. "Okay wide loud coming through! Everybody move! He's huge!" Johnny then cried out, making Garth laugh, and Ben grumble and stomp after him out onto the balcony. Garth removed his arm from Lily's shoulder and they both then followed him out, and got of the door just after Johnny made himself flame up and then flew up into the air, several other people coming out around them. "Show off!" Ben shouted up, Garth and Lily smiling, as Johnny then flew around and made a giant 5 within a circle made of flame in the air.

And that's the eleventh that chapter and the first part of this story done! I've also managed to actually finishe this chapter in probadly just over an hour, as I wanted it out before New Years Eve. So Lily is now Garth's girlfriend! Wow and yay! Hope their moments were okay. Next up is "Rise of the Silver Surfer". Which will be starting soon in the New Year, in 2022! 


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