Kazuha - Rivals to Lovers (Fluff)

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I watched him walking painfully slow. I knew that he already noticed my gaze on him. He was walking slowly in front of me. I want to smack his pretty face so bad. You can do this Y/N! Just 10 minutes and lunch break will end! No biggie.

That's what I thought. He turned back to me and looked at me with a blank look. "Do you want something? I can feel you practically digging holes through my head with that stare." He said. His stupid pretty voice is so fucking annoying. "Nothing, mind your own business." I said rudely. "Okay?" He said.

The thing is that, Kazuha is my rival. Our parents too, were rivals. Their companies were one of the top best companies in Inazuma and they were competing each other since 17 years. Me and Kazuha were good at our academics. That's the problem. I always had a thing for being better than him and I am very very very sure that he likes to annoy me. Another problem is that we compete in everything which also is an advantage because now I'm basically good at everything because of him.

The bell rang and all the students went to their classes. The thing is, Kazuha had less friends. He only ever hung out with Venti, Xiao and Heizou. I used to have a major crush on Xiao until I discovered that Xiao and Venti were a couple. I started crushing on Aether and found out Heizou and Aether were dating. My love life was a mess.

I keep getting some dreams about Kazuha but I definitely don't like him in that way. Heck, I don't think I even like him. I mean, he's cute, pretty and gorgeous but that doesn't mean I have a thing for him. School was over and I was coming from art class. I saw Kazuha walking in another direction and he looked like he was avoiding something or someone.

He doesn't avoid me for sure. I had a gut feeling to follow him so I trusted my instincts. I made sure not to make any sound. I suddenly saw four boys, emo looking dudes, walk towards him. He noticed them and flinched. I had a very bad feeling. I went closer silently. The taller guy took a blade out and forcefully took Kazuha's hand and dragged it across his skin. I winced when I heard him scream. I wasn't fast enough to stop them.

I ran towards the taller guy and tackled him before he can do anything again. I punched him in the face so hard that he fainted. The other three boys looked weaker than me. The three emerged at me and tackled me to the ground. I groaned as my back hit the floor quite hardly.

I kicked one guy in the balls and punched the other in the face. They whined in pain and the third guy punched me in the face. My nose was bleeding obviously. I looked at Kazuha's scared face and saw him shivering which suddenly made a bolt of energy pass through my body. I flipped the third guy over and punched him again and again until he blacked out.

I looked over the two guys and spit on them. They flinched. "Get them both out of here and don't you fucking dare touch him ever again." I warned them. "Do you understand." I whispered as I moved closer to their pathetic bodies. They nodded vigorously and carried the passed out boys with them, scurrying away panicked.

I looked at Kazuha and saw his face covered in tears and his hand bleeding but not too much, luckily. I had this sudden urge to hug him and I did. He looked so scared and that was the first thing that came to my mind when I looked at him.

His hands were clasped together near his chest and he cried as my arms were wrapped around his figure. My heart squeezed as I saw him cry even more. I rubbed my hand on his back and the other was brushing through his hair which seemed to calm him down.

"Let's go to my house. I will clean your wound up." I muttered under my breath but loudly enough for him to hear it. I felt him nod slightly. We walked slowly to my house. He was shivering a lot so I held his hand to calm him down. At that moment, I didn't care if anyone was watching. My focus was on him and just him. It felt like the only thing I had to ever do is make him happy.

His nose was red from crying and a little bit of his cheeks were flushed. I felt him lean towards me unconsciously. Cute. We reached my home and I unlocked the door. I took him to my sofa and bought my first aid kit. I cleaned his cut and put a bandage over it. I took a mental note of the scars on his thighs.

He just looked at me while I did it which made me slightly self concious. "Thank you." He said silently. It was so quiet that I almost could not hear him. "Since when did those jerks start bothering you?" I asked. "Seven months ago." He said while looking down at his thighs. He fumbled his fingers uncomfortably so I put my hand on his to let him know that I was there for him.

"Do you hate me more now?" He suddenly asked. His voice cracked and his eyes were tearing up. "Why would I hate you for this?" I asked. He looked down once again. I knew this feeling. It was that feeling when someone finds out your secret about yourself that makes you feel ashamed.

"I never hated you. Heck, I like you. I won't ever hate you for anything." I said. "You are the most gorgeous person I ever met and I always walk past that favourite cat café of yours that you seem to go everyday. I know that you like your coffee not too strong and with 3 blocks of sugar and that you like your cheesecake to be creamy. It was mostly out of rivalry but soon I realised I am in love with you." I continued.

I realised what I said and blushed heavily. He looked taken aback. "I.....I love you too." He said with a tiny smile. His ears were red and his hands were no longer shivering. I hugged him suddenly to which he hugged me back. I played with his hair and kissed the back of his ear.

"From now on, I'll walk you home and we are official. I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow." I said. He nodded shyly and looked away. I think he remembered what happened and started shivering once again. I took his hand in mine and rubbed my thumb on his knuckles gently which calmed him down. I kissed his forehead again and hugged him.

He looked adorable as he leaned more into the hug and made himself comfortable in my arms. I felt him fall asleep. He looked so peaceful. I could feel his breath fanning against my neck which relaxed me a bit. I fell asleep with him in my arms and it was the most peaceful sleep I ever had in a long time.

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