Childe - Woman [part 1] (Angsty Fluff) M4F

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I heard a knock on my door while I was washing the dishes. I went and opened it only to be met with an aggressive kiss. Someone must have made him angry again. Childe comes to me when he is frustrated with something. This has been going for 8 months. We were best friends. Keyword - Were. I don't know what we are anymore. We just fuck around.

I was not in the mood to have sex because I had a lot of things to do today. "Childe, not today." I said as I pulled away. "Why?" He asked. "Come on, just this once." He pleaded. "You always say that but today I have a lot of work to do, I can't do it." I said. "Fine." He said, sighing.

I watched his form as he left. He was really beautiful today. As always. I wonder if I would ever get to spend more time with him ever again like those times. When we were just two friends messing around and having fun. I went back to washing the dishes and cleaned my tiny apartment.

Once I was done, I let out a satisfied sigh, proud of how clean my apartment looked. I took the old clothes and put them in the donation box. One last thing to do, I had to take a bath. I entered my bathroom and looked in the mirror and posed for a while while doing some awkward body rolls thinking I'm really sexy.

I suddenly felt very gloomy. I turned the shower on. I let hot water hit my skin and without me realising, I started crying. I feel like this once every week. The truth sucks but let's face it, the world would be better if people told the truth.

I was laying on my bed, naked. I didn't feel anything sexual. I was just laying down as I felt the cool breeze from my AC hit my naked body. It was calming. I looked at mine and Childe's picture. We were 15 back then. We took that photo when we went to the amusement park for the first time. Fun memories.

I went out for a walk with my friend Zhongli. We were walking by Wanmin restaurant. I saw Childe with another girl. Zhongli saw my mood drop. "What's the matter?" He asked. "Nothing, let's go to Yujing Terrace?" I suggested with a smile. We made our way to Yujing terrace. We picked some silk flowers too. I used to ask my father to bring silk flowers when he went to Liyue for his business trips. I would make a flower crown out of them for Childe.

I picked some and made a flower crown. Zhongli looked at me curiously. I caught him off guard when I put the flower crown over head. I felt a swift gush of wind. I felt the presence of someone behind and suddenly I was held with a knife at my throat.

"Xiao, leave her." Zhongli ordered. I felt him leave me. "Damn, I could've sworn I saw my whole life flash before my eyes." I said with an awkward chuckle. Xiao looked at me with a glare. His gaze softened when he saw me shivering a bit due to the knife but still had a stoic face. He lowered the knife away from my vision. I was scared of knives and I appreciate the fact he remembered that.

I smiled and sighed slightly remembering the sight I saw a few minutes ago. I made another flower crown for someone but it wasn't worth it. And I am pretty sure Xiao would like it. I placed it on his head catching him off gaurd. I saw a tint of red on his cheeks. He was obviously flustered.

"My apologies, I thought he was in danger." Xiao said, while referring to Zhongli. He looked peaceful. Less tense, less strict. He looked very relaxed. It was nice seeing him like that. "It's fine, besides, you're just making sure someone is safe." I said with a big smile.

Xiao muttered a small apology again and disappeared into thin air. "He sure needs to take a break." I told Zhongli. "Yes, he does." Zhongli agreed. I made another flower crown out of Glaze Lillies. I placed on Zhongli's head. I spotted a certain ginger behind. I pretended to not see him and continued fixing the crown.

I looked at the time and panicked because I was late. I am a sex worker. I get paid a lot and there was no other option for me right now. I strip for drunk pedophiles whom I absolutely despise. I told Zhongli I needed to go and went to the club. Time to get some work done.

I was done with 2 clients. I walked to the dressing room and cooled myself down. I had a very important client now. They pay a lot and this is my first time working for them. Let's get this over with. The V.I.Ps are usually rich snobby old men or their sons. It was honestly tiring. I walked to the designated room and went in.

I widened my eyes at the person in front of me. "Tartaglia...." I whispered. He looked angry, sad, disappointed but more so, relieved. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I knew you worked here. Why didn't you ever tell me?" He said. I stayed quiet. "I'm your best friend, I wouldn't judge you for anything if that's what you're thinking about." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said. "You don't have to be, but why can't you get a normal job? You have good skills and you can easily get a job with how professional you are. Why this?" He asked. "It's not like I have a choice, I'm running out of money and this job pays me well. You don't understand because you don't know how it is to be a girl." I said, very angrily.

"The only thing I will ever be valued for is my body. No one wants to hire a woman because they think that we are weak and better off in the kitchen. People kill women because they rejected a proposal or decided to finally care about themselves. You are a man and have assurance wherever you go but I am a woman, I can't speak too loud, laugh too loud, be happy, be sad, wear comfortable shorts, talk freely, feel safe at nights and heck, even in my own home because god knows if I get killed because I broke some man's heart and he was not happy with that." I shouted.

"You, my best friend since we were kids, grew up to only look at me as your stupid sex toy that you fuck whenever you're frustrated. I end up getting my heart broken because you leave me there right after you were done with me, not even thinking of helping me. I have to do everything by myself because I don't have anyone who actually cares about me so please leave, I don't ever want to see you again." I continued.

The rush of all these emotions from my heart came out and finally I felt better. Childe looked at me with a hint of guilt. I immediately felt my legs feeling weak because of the wave of relief passing through my body. I really need to do this more. "We are never going to see each other again, I am going to take my leave now, good bye." I said and left the room.

As soon as I entered the dressing room, I changed into my normal clothes and went home. I opened the door and bumped into a hard chest. It was Zhongli. He hugged me immediately. "It's okay, the past is the past now." He said. Behind him I saw a familiar redhead watching us with a ghost smile.

"Diluc!" I yelled and immediately went to hug him. Diluc was my best friend along with Zhongli. They both are dating. Surprisingly, I never felt like a third wheel with them so I'm glad. "Hey Y/N." He said while hugging me back. "I missed you guys a lot." He muttered. I suddenly heard a knock on the door. It was Childe.

"What do you wan- mmf" I was interrupted with a kiss. His lips were moving in sync with mine and his hands were on my hips. My arms were around his neck and we kissed for a solid 1 minute. "Y/N, I am so sorry because of how I made you feel. You don't have to forgive me. I wanted you to know that I have loved you ever since the start. Every minute, every second of the day does not go by when I not think of you. What are you doing to me?" He said.

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