When Niall came to the door with all black on. I saw Zayn try hard not to look up from his phone. I'm really worrying about him.

"Let us go shall we." He said and we got up and got in my car.

It didn't take us long to show up to my favorite breakfast place. It was early and there were barely anyone here. So we were showed to our table I picked sitting across from Louis. Just because he always gropes me. It's not like I don't like it because I do it's just today is Niall's day. So all me and Louis would be able to do is play footsie. But I never really thought about how every time Zayn's eyes looks up he has to meet Niall's blue ones. But it's not much to do about that now we're already seated and she took our drinks so let me scan over the menu to release awkward tension.

"Harry look at this." Louis said and I looked up to see he was looking in the kids section.

"Louis in not intrigued by dinosaur shaped pancakes." I said.

"I am." Zayn said and he stood and leaned over the table on a slant to look at Louis' menu.

I saw Niall lean back in his seat as his raked his eyes over Zayn's body once before looking back at his menu. He totally just checked him out. Ok so 1 point for Zayn.

When Zayn sat back down he smiled and looked at me. "I'm getting the Dino pancakes." He said.

Niall's phone rang. And he smiled before answering it. "Awww thanks babe." He said and giggled. Damn minus 1 point for Zayn.

I swear I saw Zayn's fist ball up and his knuckles turn white. Oh he's no longer sad he's pissed the fuck off.

"Can you take that outside?!" He asked Niall but before Niall could reply he spoke again angrily. "You know what no. Let me go outside I need a fucking smoke." He said and got up leaving the table and going outside.

"That was a bit bipolar." Niall said hanging up his call.

"No it wasn't." Me and Louis said and the same time in which we high-fives for but Niall looked at us confused.

"Lately he's been different. Like his changing." Niall said.

"He's changing?" Louis asked sarcastically but quickly changed his attitude. "It's more like a cause and effect type relationship." Louis said.

"And what would the cause be?" Niall asked.

Gosh you curious fuck.

"A series of events that happened this week with someone he considers close. But I think that's enough of this." I said.

"I agree." Louis said.

"I don't. You guys know. Why won't you just spit it out." Niall said.

"You're over ruled 2 to 1" I said.

"Zayn's not here to vote." Niall said.

"Then it would only be 3 to 1. Let's just stop talking about it." Louis said and Niall just put his phone away.

Zayn came walking in here after that and sat down next to me. The lady came around before I even got a chance to open my mouth. She took our order Zayn sticking to getting Dino shaped pancakes.

"So what's planned for me today?" Niall asked.

"After breakfast we are going to a pumpkin patch and I will give you lessons on pumpkin carving, and that's not the best part. After that Louis and Harry signed us up for a knitting class and I plan on making sweaters. And at the end of the day I'll take you out to dinner and then take you back home for a good cuddle until you fall asleep. That's when I get my birthday licks in." Zayn said and Niall looked at him wide eyed.

Hi, I'm Harry's Cousin (Ziall)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя