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"Lily, whatcha doin'?" Race said sitting next to me. "Jeez race, you scared me there.. oh- race heyy.. didn't know you were... you? Thought you were mush or someone?'."

Race looked at me weirdly, "your a strange one, lil." I realised he probably doesn't want to be my friend no more.

"I'm so sorry, race please forgive me. I mean I understand if you don't want to be my friend no more..."

"Whatcha on about? You needa stop worrying so much Lily. Of course I want to be your friend." He smiled hugging me softly.

"Welp, gotta get goin', I have a date in a hour!" Race said jumping up from the chair. I looked at him, not really surprised. I mean, he always goes on dates.

"Oh... well have fun I guess." I said smiling slightly. "I'm glad your very happy for me!" He said sarcastically.

"Sorry." I just said turning away from him. "Don't apologise, I was only havin' a joke darling!" He giggled while he took a sip of his drink.

"Oh alright, well that's good then!" I laughed along.

                       •later on in the night•

Mush sat next to me, "Hiya, whose race gone on a date with?" He chuckled trying to get some evidence from me.

"How am I meant to know?" I giggled along.
Mush just looked at me, he shrugged and said,
"We'll you were speakin' to him alone this morning?!" He said laughing.

I heard the other newsies saying 'ooo!'. I shook my head, "it's not like tha! We were just talking about his date. But I still don't know who he went with."

"Ye, but you were still alone with him!" Kidblink added on laughing out loud. The other newsies started laughing with him as I sat there trying to be serious, but I ended up laughing with them.

"When's race coming back?" I asked jack. "He's probably spending the night with his girl!" He laughed trying make me jealous. "He wouldn't do tha!" I said walking off to my bed.

We all then went asleep.

                          •the next morning•

"Lily, WAKE UP!" Jack said screaming at me to wake up. "We're goin on strike, me and boots are goin' to spot conlons territory. Your staying here with race,mush and kid!" He told me shaking me awake.

"Oh alright, that's fine by me!" I said sitting up on my bed. "Course it is!" He replied smirking.

I hit his arm playfully, and said "Shutup!" Chuckling.

"When did race come home last night anyway?" Race walked in mid way through of my sentence.

"Why'd you needa know lil!?" He asked curiously.
"Oh I don't! Uhm... I was just wondering." I replied quickly.

Race just walked away, it seemed as if he was sad... or mad?" Jack just looked at me worried and walked out after him.

Authors note: first chapter is done!! Hope you all enjoy it!

first love • racetrack HigginsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang