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I was lying on my bed, with my stomach facing the ceiling, and my diary in my hands

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I was lying on my bed, with my stomach facing the ceiling, and my diary in my hands. The cover is blue and resembles the exterior of a police box. It was unusual, but every time I was in need of a new diary, one would appear and I'd never know where from.

My platinum blonde hair with streaks of dirty blonde and ginger-red-orange was fanned out around my head. My green eyes dashed over the events and memories I had carefully written into the diary; my twin, Draco, he was always curious by it. Each time he asked me to share I would always tell him, "spoilers!"

It infuriated him, but I found it highly amusing. And something about using the phrase in particular, it felt natural. Along with saying, "hello sweetie,"  but I didn't say that one often.

My letters for Beauxbatons and Hogwarts had both arrived, and I was still deciding on which school to attend. Mother told me that Beauxbatons was a good school, but both sides of our family, - that of Malfoy and Black, always attended Hogwarts.

I sighed and got up from my bed, putting the letters and the diary in the desk drawer beside my bed.

"Fleck!" I shouted, and suddenly one of our house elves, - Fleck, - a loyal house elf to only mother and I, appeared in front of me.

"Yes Miss Malfoy?" Fleck asked, her wide eyes staring up at me.

The way house elves were treated in our home was of the same rotten standard in any pureblood home that has house elves serving them, and I hated it. I was grateful for Fleck, and each time Draco was cruel I'd scold him for it. To see how cruelly many house elves were treated, it always angered me, but because of who my family is, it's normal for them. For any pureblood.

Mother and father, but more so, father, could not understand why I was so kind to the elves, who in every way are seen as less than witches and wizards.

I gave the house elf a smile. "Hi Fleck, I was wondering if I could have a sandwich? One for yourself, too, I'd like some company! I'll be in my fathers' study."

"Of course, Miss Malfoy," with that, Fleck disappears with a snap, and I left my room and went downstairs to my fathers' study to find a book to read.

Father is always at the Ministry for Magic, so more times than not, I'm free to make use of his study which is filled with shelves of books. I'm always drawn to the astronomy section, part of me is constantly wondering if there's more than what meets the eye of daily life.

I'm also curious about the birthmark which follows the contour of my left hip, it's a collection of a few stars and a spiral-esque design that I don't understand.

On one of the of the walls in fathers' study, there's an exquisite fireplace; flames suddenly erupt from it, and I watched as Theo Nott stumbled out of the fireplace and onto the hearth.

I smiled widely as the figure regained his balance, and I rushed up to give him a hug. He's always had a kinder heart than most. Theo Nott, without a doubt, was my best friend.

"Hello, Ally. Did your letters arrive yet?" Theo asked.

"Yes, both letters arrived," I replied and stared down at the book in my lap.

"What's wrong Ally?" Theo's eyes creased with concern.

"I don't know which school to send a reply to. Both sides and countless generations of my family have attended Hogwarts. It's impossible to decide! Do I go to Hogwarts because of that, or do I go because I genuinely want to go there as most of my friends will be attending Hogwarts!" I exclaimed, looking at him in despair.

"Well Ally, I think you should come to Hogwarts! As you said, you have plenty of friends who will be going, and you don't really seem like a Beauxbatons type of witch;" he grins.

"Yeah, I guess you're right Theo. I'll send my reply now," I nod quickly.

Taking a piece of parchment from father's desk, I scrawl a quick response and Theo follows me outside towards our Owlery to send off the letter.

Fleck appears with our sandwiches and I smile fondly at her. "Please enjoy your sandwich. If mother or father happen to ask where I am, tell them that I'm in Diagon Alley with Theo."

"Of course, Miss Malfoy!" Fleck nods, her long ears flapping as she did. "What of your sandwich?"

"Just enjoy your own, and I'll have mine when I come home, if I am still hungry," I say.

Theo and I each grab a small handful of Floo Powder. I step into the fireplace first and shout "DIAGON ALLEY!" Green flames erupted around me and I'm no longer in the study at Malfoy Manor.

Theo quickly joins me, and soon we're outside on the cobbled, winding street of Diagon Alley. We go to Gringotts first to withdraw money from our vaults, and once we had what we needed, we walked to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

The wand which settles with me, wasn't like most of the others, rather than it being pure wood, it's etched with constellations and flecked with silver, gold and a blue similar to that of my diary.

After a while, Theo and I both agree to split up to purchase our books, and I find others more specific and related to astronomy. Theo rolls his eyes at me when he sees the collection I was holding onto. We retrieved everything else we could possibly need, - our robes, cauldrons and anything else we might need extra.

A piece of parchment, folded into the shape of an origami falcon flutters down towards me and settles in my hand. I open it and it's a letter from mother, - she wishes me to return to the Manor for dinner.

In my haste, I bump into someone, and their glasses fall off.

"I'm so sorry, here, let me help you with your glasses," I reach down and pick them up off the floor.

I'm greeted by green eyes, and that's when I notice it, the scar beneath a mop of unruly black hair.

"You're Harry Potter," I state calmly. "The boy who lived, anyway, I'm Ally Malfoy," I extend my hand which he shakes.

"Nice to meet you Ally," he smiles shyly. "Could you point me towards Ollivanders? I'm lost."

"Yes, of course!" I chirp. I stay where I am as he follows my instructions to make sure he doesn't get himself lost again.

"Theo, we should get going. Mother wants me back at the Manor," I glance over my shoulder at him.

"You go ahead, Ally! I will see you soon," he waves me off.

"I'll see you on the Hogwarts Express," I flash him a grin, before pecking a kiss to his cheek, his mocha brown skin tone flushes red.

Mother has her arms folded across her chest as she stands waiting for me in father's study, I stumble forwards with all that I'm carrying and she gives me a distasteful look.

Ally Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa is mother's name; Draco and I are both named after our parents. Draco Lucius Malfoy. Both their pride and vanity at its highest.

<•> Author's Note <•>

Updated 28/08/2022

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