Chapter 2

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Tinker Bell

     I sat on the couch that we had in the middle of our giant kitchen and ate my breakfast. It was a quiet morning, none of us were in the mood to talk. Lorenzo sat beside me eating a waffle and reading a book. He was wearing black cargo pants, boots, and a green shirt that hugged his body and let you see the outline of every muscle on his torso. Tattoos covered his arms and I let my eyes trail over every detail: from the crow behind his ear to the snake that wrapped around his arm. I watched him as I silently ate my breakfast. His dark brown hair looked red as the morning sunlight hit him. His warm toned skin looked gold-

"Can I help you, Tink?" he said, snapping me out of my thoughts as my stomach flipped and I shifted my body away from him to hide the pink shade that covered my face.

"Hm- With- With what?" I said acting stupid.

"You tell me," he said looking at me with playful eyes and the tiniest smirk that I almost didn't catch.

"I don't know what you're talking about Laurie," I said, avoiding eye contact.

I noticed a shift in his behavior as he tensed up. "Don't call me that."

I hit a nerve. I smirked to myself before turning and giving him the the most mesmerizing doe eyes I could possibly do.

     "But you love it."

Leaving him speechless and hiding his fluster behind his book, I got up triumphantly and went to sit beside Matteo, one of the darling twins. The twins were identical. They had the same wavy brown hair, muscular build, and tan skin. The only difference between them was their eyes. Matteo had blue eyes. He was the sweet one of the two, but you would've been a fool to think there wasn't more to him than his sunshine behavior. If someone crossed him and the boy got a hold of a blade it would've been over. Nikolai had green eyes. He was the explosive one of the two. I learned early on when I met him, that it was best to stay on his good side.

Matteo smiled at me when I walked up to him and I returned it before running my hand through his hair.

"Your blueberry waffles came out scrumptious."

"Thanks Bell," he said softly before returning to his crossword puzzle.

I looked over the island to see Nikolai and Harley deep in thought as they played a game of chess. Harley was Nikolai's best friend, aside from Matteo of course. Harley was originally a pirate before he was a lost boy. He had a complicated past and Pan happened to be there when he needed someone the most. He'd been with us ever since. He had black straight hair that was long enough to be held in a bun, but several strands always seemed to fall out and land in front of his face. He had auburn eyes, red tinted lips, and light skin. Like the rest of us, he had his fair share of tattoos.

Breaking me from my thoughts, was the feeling I got from Pan before he came into view. You could always feel the lost boys before they walked into a room, but Pan's shadow always announced his presence in a chilling soul sucking way. I was never scared of him, but his shadow always freaked me a bit. He was wearing black pants with a belt and a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He clearly didn't want to be spoken to so he went and poured himself a cup of coffee while Matteo and I shared a look.

     "Where's Wendy?" he asked dryly as he turned around.

     "She went out with a lost boy," I said. He rolled his eyes, annoyed, and threw his mug in the sink, while Matteo and I shared another look of judgement.

"I don't fucking know why you three idiots decided to encourage a wedding with someone I didn't even like," he said, clearly speaking to Harley, Lorenzo, and I.

     "It's not our fault your infatuation for Wendy grew like wild fire and only lasted about a week," I snapped.

     "Besides if we told you to think things through, you would've gone on a killing spree," said Harley as he kicked his legs from the stool he was sitting on.

     He threw us both a glare and narrowed his eyes in Enzo's direction. "And what do you have to add."

     Laurie thought about his next words before he shut his book and stood up saying, "That you didn't learn from your first Darling mistake." He glared back before walking away.

     I glanced at the Darling twins. They looked rather uncomfortable and weren't saying anything. It's not like they could, they didn't exactly exist when shit with their aunt went down.

     "If you hate her so much, why not just get rid of her?" Matteo asked genuinely.

     "You'd be doing us all a favor," added Nikolai, clearly annoyed of his constant bad mood.

     Pan shot Nikolai a deadly look before saying, "It doesn't fucking matter how anyone feels about Wendy. She's still holds the title as queen and you will respect it."

     "Pan they have a point," I finally said and he tried to shut me down with a look, but I ignored him. "I mean you and Wendy don't even acknowledge each other. You don't sleep in the same room, you have a "open relationship," y'all don't communicate, y'all aren't even married at this point. She's basically just living her life away from you while still enjoying the "queen" title. You really need to think about this. It's fucked up, Peter. Do better."

     "I didn't fucking ask for any of you to ruin my day. I've been awake a total of fifteen minutes-"

     "UGH! And then you complain and ask us why we didn't warn you about your stupid inability to understand your own damn feelings!" I shouted at him as I stomped out of the kitchen in the same direction as Enzo.

     I followed Laurie down to the beach and sat beside him on the sand.

     "Sometimes I want to snap his neck," I spat and he chuckled dryly.

     The two of us sat in silence as we watched the ocean. It wasn't an awkward silence because it was something we did often. We were comfortable enough to just enjoy each other's company without a word. Not long after, Pan came down to the beach.

     "Come to blame us some more for your mistakes?" I said glaring at him.

     "I'm sending my shadow to check on the girl today," he said ignoring my comment, of course.

     "Have you told Harley?" asked Laurie.

     "Yes and the twins don't know for obvious reasons," replied Pan.

     "It's only been three years," I stated. "What makes you think she's already started the next generation of Darlings?"

     "It's not that," Pan replied honestly. "I have a feeling..."

     "Of what sort?" asked Lourie.

     "I don't know yet."

Author's Note:
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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