Chapter 1

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     My head rested on the hospital bed above my arm that was holding the hand of my dying dad. I tried to sleep, but all I could do was think about how quickly my life went to shit in the span of three years. I was a normal 17 year old high school Senior, opening college acceptance letters, attending Senior events, and enjoying the last few months I had left with my family. My life was great. I was happy, but through it all, I was also fucking petrified.

     My entire life I had lived in fear. I swore my family was cursed, but it wasn't something I could speak about outside of my family. Since basically the "creation" of my bloodline, anyone that wasn't the first born disappeared. Fucked up, I know. My dad's sister went missing when she was 18. My grandpa's brothers and his own twin went missing when they were 17 and 19. I guess considering the fact that everyone was around 18 I just always thought that I'd have more time left with my brothers before they disappeared. I was wrong.

They disappear in the middle of a school day during their sophomore year. I drove myself and the twins to school on a rainy Wednesday morning and they were their usual silly selves. By the time lunch came around, I went to annoy them like I always did, only this time I was told they were never at school. I walked around the school before finally asking the front office for help. It was clear that my twins weren't in the building. At this point I was about to cry but I decided to call my parents and inform them about the situation. No one knew where they went. My parents arrived at the school and after some time the school camera footage was checked but my brothers weren't picked up on any of the cameras. That threw me off the edge and I went hysterical.

The disappearance of my brothers affected everyone in my house. My family was never the same again. Two years later, my mom left us, went off the rails, and got into a fatal car crash while driving intoxicated. I ended up losing all of my scholarships and dropped out of college. Perfect timing too because about a month later, I found out my dad had stage 4 cancer and wasn't going to survive long. 7 months later I sat in the hospital, dreading the hour that I would be left alone in the world.

"Talia," my dad's hoarse voice called out to me.

"Dad," I responded as I quickly looked at him.

He gave me the saddest smile I had ever seen and I could feel my heart shatter because I knew where this conversation was heading. A tear escaped my eye and my dad brought a hand up to cup my face and wiped the tear with his thumb.

"I need you to know how proud I am of you. I know times have been extremely difficult for us...for you, but you have handled thing so bravely these past three years. I love you more than life my little ray of Sunshine."

"I love you too Dad," I said holding back a sob that is just threatening to escape. "I'm not ready to be alone-" I said as my voice cracked.

"Natalia you won't be alone-"

"I don't need you watching over me, I need you here with me!"

"I'm not talking about me sweetheart. I'm talking about your brothers."

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him in confusion and said, "They are missing."

"But you'll find them," he said as he smiled at me.

"It's been three years and I've gotten no where dad!" I desperately cried.

"But I know you. You don't give up no matter how hard it gets. Don't start quitting on me now," he said to me and we stared at each other in silence as I tried to form my next sentence.

"Natalia," he said seriously. "I need you to promise me that you'll find the twins."

My mouth dropped as I stared at my dad wondering if he understood the weight of that request.

"Dad I-"

"Natalia, promise me."

I looked at my dad with concern and thought about the choice I was about to make.

"I promise," I said not knowing if I would be to fulfill my dad's final wishes.

Author's Note:
Vote if you enjoyed! :)

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