New Towner's

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(Dreams pov)

       "DREAM!" A loud, raspy voice sounded in his ears, his head turning slowly to the voice, "dude. Whats up with you today." The person says, hitting me on the arm gently with his fist. I sighed and smiled slightly, reassuring the person, who is also known as my best friend.

"Ah, it's not that important, sap. no worries." I smiled and nudged him back playfully, soon getting up to go throw away my trash in the nearest trash can. Sapnap followed behind swiftly, doing the same as we stepped onto the wet pavement outside of the cafe, looking down the streets. I started to speak about what we were going to do next, only to be met with sapnap moving quickly down the street I had just turned my head towards.

"Dude- shit, uh, Karl's waiting for me at home, I'll see you later!" Sapnap quickly stated, sending a rapid wave as a goodbye, "don't want to be met with a grumpy boyfriend!" I smiled and waved back a goodbye, looking around the town after a while. Whilst doing so, I noticed a few people that I wasn't to familiar with. A young girl, and a dark headed boy with headphones in, entering a store across the street from me.

My interests perked, popping a piece of mint flavored gum in my mouth, heading towards the same store. I haven't seen a lot of people that are, well, new in this shitty town. It's somewhere you'd stay for one night and hurry to leave the next as soon as possible, but these kids looked..excited.
From my own damn experience, this town isn't all that. I mean, sure you could like it but trust me, it's not really something to get excited about.
A bell chimes above my head to let me realize I've stepped into the store, only to realize it was the library.

Who goes to library these days?

I rubbed my shoes on the entrances rug, getting the remaining rain water off, soon heading over to the romance section. I mean, it's really the only exciting types of books to read if I'm going to be brutally honest, though, sometimes thriller is ok as well. Honestly depends on my mood.

A step towards the book shelf, looking at the old, dusty covers until a cover peeked my interests. Scanning over the back of the book, I hear a girls voice fill my ears.

"George, what are we doing in this boring ass library." The girl stated, obviously rolling her eyes accordingly to the tone in her voice, "you're so boring."

The boy, George, started to speak as well, "well, hell. I didn't necessarily ask you to come," George gritted through his teeth, picking up another book and examining it, "I just stated that I was going." He shook his head as continued walking towards another section. Due to my extreme hearing, I could still hear the two.

"But I wanted some sibling time together, gog's" She said sarcastically, ruffing George's hair up.
Siblings? I thought to myself, picking up another book, she must be a bitch of a sister then.

"I know you're being a bitch to get your way," George said in an annoyed voice, his accent chanting bitchingly, "and it's not fucking working, Skade. If you're going to act like this, why bother coming." What a move. She honestly deserved it. shit, I would've said worse honestly. I chuckled to myself, now looming over towards another section, getting a good look at his face finally.

"Who asked you to be a boring, grumpy, old person, gog's." She scoffed in obvious anger, "go get a life." She shoved him rudely and made her way out of the store. What a bitch, he didn't do anything to her? I shook my head in disbelief, such bullshit.

"If my life couldn't get any worse.." I heard the boy whisper. It sounded..sad? disappointed? I couldn't tell, sadly.

"I doubt she'll even care if I just go missing. I mean..she did just completely walk away.." the boy sadly chuckled to himself, "I could run as far as possible and she wouldn't care. None of them would." What? What does he mean they wouldn't care if he just left? Is he the one getting treated shitty at home?

"Maybe.." the boy looked out the library window, "maybe that's just I'll do." George whispered to himself, grabbing a book and walked towards the counter.

"What..?" I couldn't believe what I just heard, this poor young teen that's new to this town, is going to run away? Just like that? The bell above the store's door rung, signaling someone either went in or out.
I hurry out after the sound, being alert of where the boy went.

Stepping out of the store, I watched him hurry down the street in front of him, backpack clutched in hands as he shoved the newly bought library book into the same bag. I walked through the shadows close to him, the sound of wet rain water sounding my ears as I got closer to him.

This kids pretty interesting...

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